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Old 09-16-2017, 12:22 AM
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Originally Posted by TheOriginalJez View Post
Are you suggesting he's going senile?
You said it first lol. Not really what I was implying though
I'm reluctant to say "he was depressed so" because the word *depression* gets thrown around too easily, but he'd be a complete jerk if he was just trying to milk some sympathy, so I guess I have to believe him. And it's pretty plausible that his mind doesn't work as well as it should.
Depression and high levels of stress take a huge toll on your body and mind. They tend to shut down after a while to survive, and that means not being able to perform even menial tasks. Body and mind sort of "slow down", and remembering the simplest thing can be taxing, especially in a situation where you *need* to remember them. It's as if you want/need to remember, but your mind is telling you "hold on, I can't do it properly if I'm under stress". Like a trigger of sorts...

Being around the teleprompter could be a mental crutch. Or his eyesight is poor and he needs to read one line at a time in huge bold capital letters, which makes it impossible to stay too far away for too long. It happens to the best of us, you get old, you start feeling like shit, you need a bigger teleprompter...

These days what's left of me ain't no Prince Charming

We know Jon, we know

Last edited by symbeline; 09-16-2017 at 12:25 AM..
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