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Old 04-06-2022, 07:09 PM
Eveline Eveline is offline
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In the recent interview, Richie said there was album after album and it wasn't a good thing. We can only wonder whose decision it was and why it probably watered down the band's legacy. Too many same-sounding records, with WAN being a bag of sh*t, BB a let's-throw-everything-in one, and 2020 being a 'topical' album no one really wants to hear live except for maybe two songs. Umm, okay. Now some pity Jon because he looks in pain *maybe bc he is, it can't be just neck stretching* but he doesn't do it for money per se, he's loaded beyond our imagination. It's the guy's HUGE ego, so maybe the fans who pay through the nose actually deserve the braying every night *shrugs* Those who say he's improved any bit are clearly no better than his blind cult following. He hasn't improved at all, it hurts your ear and makes your soul bleed. Heard some snippets and wish I hadn't. Just stop already.
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