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Old 04-12-2018, 10:24 AM
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Jovi FANatic
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My take on it:

Jon will rock up wearing a cravat and smoking jacket, his voice thinner than Graphene, his hair looking like it was brushed with a toffee apple, teeth whiter and larger than pieces of A4 paper.

Richie will forget the chords to Who Says and instead break into Dolly Parton’s version of LYHOM before launching into an impromptu stand-up routine, culminating with a chronological run through of all the songs he has ever written.

Alec will then emerge from the shadows, no bass in sight but instead announcing himself as the head of a Mexican Cartel, much to Richie’s delight. Hearing this, Hugh makes a beeline for the nearest exit door, almost tripping over the manikin, expressionless figure of John Shanks.

Amidst all the on stage confusion, Phil X seizes the moment and let’s loose with a spellbinding metal version of Love For Sale before sneaking in a Drills number which oddly gets the biggest round of applause of the night.

By this time Dave and Tico have already vacated the building leaving the broken figure of Jon Bon Jovi willing his failing voice into one final hurrah of I Love This Town.

Either that, or they’ll play

It’s My Life

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