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Old 07-19-2019, 12:09 AM
efpg0708 efpg0708 is offline
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Originally Posted by bonjovi90 View Post
Very well said and you should have enough self-confidence to still have had a good time even though others might be trashing videos from the show. You've admitted to having hated videos before your own show of concerts others probably had liked. I was in Munich and didn't enjoy it too much, others liked it. I'm happy for them, but doesn't change my opinion either.

Yes, Jon still has the frontman charisma and I think pretty much all reviews of users here who went to shows on this leg stated that, too. But here we got a video of a beautiful song that is "sung" with the wrong timing and the singer basically not hitting any notes. It's hard to be positive then.

For example, It's My Life in Munich. It was amazing fun because the audience was shouting it at the top of their lungs, me included. I had a great time during that song, but that doesn't change that it vocally was probably horrendous and a shout fest if I watch it on Youtube. You couldn't really notice it there because the fans were so loud, but that didn't make him sing on key in the stadium anyway.
That’s my main issue with Bon Jovi today. Unless you have a good crowd, you’re going to be bored, because Jon can’t carry the show anymore and Richie isn’t there to do the same.

The two summer concerts in Chicago 2010 had very meh crowds but I was blown away mainly because Jon sang his ass off and Richie was a beast. To this day I get shivers when watching HAND and Always from those nights. I’m pretty sure it would have been a snooze fest if Jon was in his recent form back then.
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