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Old 06-25-2019, 02:36 AM
JackieBlue JackieBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by DavetheGodofKeys View Post
This one might be good. The longer break will only do good for Jon and they tend to really like playing Germany, there have been quite a lot of memorable shows in Germany.
I hope that will be the case; but it seems like Jon has been improving, on vocals and as a frontman, as the tour progressed. Based on videos, and comments from those who attended the shows, I had about reached the conclusion that maybe Jon and the band just needed to settle into the groove, and that the first few shows weren't as good because they were still warming up, so to speak. So my only concern with a long break is that it's going to be like starting all over again. (Pun acknowledged, but not intended.)
On the other hand, having more than one or two days off may help Tico. It's possible that he picked up a bug or something, right before this leg started, and just didn't have time to fully recover before Moscow. That may be wishful thinking; but something like that could explain why he suddenly seems so tired and a little off his game. If that's the case, the rest would definitely be good for him.

It's not that I disagree with those who are concerned that Tico's struggles on this leg may be due to him getting older, because aging could certainly play a part. But unless there's something else going on, I think that's something we would notice more gradually, not virtually overnight. Maybe others remember it differently; but I don't recall any discussions from last year about anything being off in his performance, even towards the end of the last leg. That was only 6 months ago; and speaking as someone who's getting older herself, age-related changes don't typically manifest themselves that quickly.
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