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Why Does Bon Jovi Never Play 'Thank You For Loving Me' Anymore

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Old 04-03-2024, 10:21 PM
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Originally Posted by bonjovi_cro View Post
I'm talking about worldwide charts for Everyday, it was better performance than HAND, but then the single and song were abandoned pretty much fast after Bounce. Several tours later and the difference is obvious, HAND is larger "hit" even in places where it charted worse (Europe). And when I say "better song" I mean HAND is better (to me) than Everyday, but I'm not convinced this is the reason that it survived to this day as modern Jovi staple everywhere, but band's insistence on playing it forced that (luckily, as it's IMO best single of post-2000 Jovi).
Got it. I mean I don't think the band had to FORCE playing HAND given it was the title track of the album and all the marketing for it was based around the song/album but I see your point.
Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
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Old 04-03-2024, 11:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Captain_jovi View Post
I hate this point with every fiber of my being.
Hahaha, me too!
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Old 04-04-2024, 12:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Captain_jovi View Post
Got it. I mean I don't think the band had to FORCE playing HAND given it was the title track of the album and all the marketing for it was based around the song/album but I see your point.
True. I also think it counts for Everyday and Make a Memory to some extent. But it doesn't really count for Because We Can or This House. Still, I would argue that if you choose BWC as a lead single (and I hated it when it came out, and I'm still not fond of it), then you stick with it and make it staple. In that example(I think) Jon even delivered. But now I think also how promos for these post-2005 singles have been so old-fashioned. Few talk shows here and there and that's it. And then after 2016 nothing due to Jon's voice basically. But with BWC, if somebody from Universal gave a damn in 2013, that Milan choreography could of been really viral

EDIT: It just crossed my mind that lead singles from 2009 to 2024 have been: Born to Follow, Because We Can, This House, Limitless, Legendary. It's really depressing. None of them with hit potential (except perhaps a little bit BWC?),but all of them very safe, very middle of the road choices. If anything, random rock fan will click on news that Jovi has new single and probably click on youtube link at least to listen. I would, with hindsight, choose more daring songs from albums. Shame
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Last edited by bonjovi_cro; 04-04-2024 at 12:56 AM..
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Old 04-04-2024, 01:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Captain_jovi View Post
Interesting! Yeah I'm speaking specifically for North America/Canada. Over here Everyday was barely around, Misunderstood was massive and HAND did really well.
Misunderstood did nothing at all over here, very little radio play. Make A Memory was a massive flop, Born To Follow no better. Because We Can same. Have A Nice Day, then to a lesser extent Who Says were probably the only real "hits" here after Everyday. All About Lovin' You charted well, but I don't recall hearing it on the radio much. Nobody remembers that one.
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Old 04-04-2024, 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Thinny View Post
Misunderstood did nothing at all over here, very little radio play. Make A Memory was a massive flop, Born To Follow no better. Because We Can same. Have A Nice Day, then to a lesser extent Who Says were probably the only real "hits" here after Everyday. All About Lovin' You charted well, but I don't recall hearing it on the radio much. Nobody remembers that one.
I think Canada was one of the few plays Misunderstood popped. It might have done similar in America, I'm honestly not sure. Interesting stuff.
Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
Don't make the mistake of thinking that even 1% of Bon Jovi fans are like you, because they aren't. Don't think you know how Bon Jovi fans think. You don't. You know yourself. Stick to that.
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Old 04-04-2024, 07:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Thinny View Post
Misunderstood did nothing at all over here, very little radio play. Make A Memory was a massive flop, Born To Follow no better. Because We Can same. Have A Nice Day, then to a lesser extent Who Says were probably the only real "hits" here after Everyday. All About Lovin' You charted well, but I don't recall hearing it on the radio much. Nobody remembers that one.
I don't think that's entirely fair. Misunderstood was constantly played on VH1/MTV back then, when that was a big thing. It wasnt as successful as IML or Everyday but anyone paying attention to music back then would have heard it quite a lot.

Also, Memory did quite well in the UK, if I remember too. Not a huge hit or anything but by no means a flop.
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Old 04-04-2024, 08:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Butters View Post
I don't think that's entirely fair. Misunderstood was constantly played on VH1/MTV back then, when that was a big thing. It wasnt as successful as IML or Everyday but anyone paying attention to music back then would have heard it quite a lot.
It wasn't in anywhere near as much rotation as Everyday. It did nothing on the radio. The two singles either side of it got top 5 and top 10. Misunderstood didn't even make the top 20. It was instantly forgotten. Nobody outside of the fan base remembers that song.

Originally Posted by Butters View Post
Also, Memory did quite well in the UK, if I remember too. Not a huge hit or anything but by no means a flop.
It barely scraped to top 40. That is a massive flop for first single from an album - it received zero radio play. Since the 90s and until then first singles were always top 10 at least. Even Born To Follow charted higher and that was digital only here.
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Old 04-04-2024, 08:53 PM
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I found this, don't know how accurate it is, but if it's accurate, it's really interesting to see. The link shows top streaming Jovi songs on Spotify.

So, in 25 most streamed songs, there are 10 songs from post-2000 period. That's more than I would guess (though only 2 in top10). One caveat is that fans will probably skew streaming with listening to new stuff as it gets released, but still.

This could be an argument in favor of Jon's proclaims of relevancy and not nostalgia act. Though of course Jovi is (also) nostalgia act, with largest drops of sales after first week gimmicks with few albums (I think both Circle and This House, perhaps also WAN?). But it doesn't mean that being nostalgia act these days needs to be so frowned upon, like those years of Grateful Dead exaggerations
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Old 04-04-2024, 09:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Thinny View Post
It wasn't in anywhere near as much rotation as Everyday. It did nothing on the radio. The two singles either side of it got top 5 and top 10. Misunderstood didn't even make the top 20. It was instantly forgotten. Nobody outside of the fan base remembers that song.

It barely scraped to top 40. That is a massive flop for first single from an album - it received zero radio play. Since the 90s and until then first singles were always top 10 at least. Even Born To Follow charted higher and that was digital only here.
Misunderstood has over 51 million streams on spotify, someone outside the fanbase must remember it. Everyday by comparison only has 8 million streams and it was the lead single.
Memory is near 25 million streams not too shabby.
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Old 04-04-2024, 11:30 PM
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Originally Posted by tobi is an animal View Post
Misunderstood has over 51 million streams on spotify, someone outside the fanbase must remember it. Everyday by comparison only has 8 million streams and it was the lead single.
Memory is near 25 million streams not too shabby.
And this kind of drives my argument for Everyday abandonment from band. Like there are 2 possibilities. First, it charted really good but completely due to IML influence and it was a flop and band is right to drop it from subsequent tours. Second, it charted really good, but it was a failure compared to IML and due to similarities and commercial motives (and Jon wasn't fond of it) it was dropped, which then influenced its longevity and popularity 2 decades after.

I'm not saying I'm absolutely right, it's only a speculated opinion, but I'm in camp for 2nd argument. In my eyes, what you pick for singles, especially lead singles, stick to it, especially if it did have rather successful charting history. Though I must say I'm a bit puzzled how Misunderstood does so much better than Everyday, cause both songs have objectively been neglected.
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