Thread: David Bowie
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Old 01-26-2009, 06:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Goldsausage II View Post
Dunno if it's true or not and I can't remember where I heard/read it from, but apparently his alternate eye colours was caused by someone punching him in the eye whilst they were in school, and this same person then went on to design his album covers.
My brother has eyes real similar to David Bowie. One of his eyes is green, the other is around half brown. It's been like that since he was a baby, and my mum was told it's kinda like a birth mark.

But, be honest I don't know enough David Bowie to make a fair judgement. I have heard, and liked, a few of his songs. But, I've never really felt inspired to seek out more. Maybe I will do so. But, let's be honest, I've said that about many artists and haven't got around to it, lol.
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