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Old 09-12-2003, 12:12 AM
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Have You ever hit an emty bucket with a stick?
That's what the snare sounds like on this album.the songs are way repetitive and over done.What good is a 7 minute song if you just keep repeating the only 3 lyrics and 5 chords you hear in the first 2 minutes??
also I've heard demos that sound more produced than this sh*t.Did Bob Rock show up at all on the making of this album??
This sounds like it was done in a week by a new band that's trying to fit in to today's rock scene.I swear some songs are sthraight ripped off from Korn or even Limp Bizkit.
It's a really bad bad album by an amazing band who made a huge mistake.I guess going to rehab doesn't always do good for people.

James you were better off drunk.
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