Thread: Westlife...
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Old 03-12-2004, 04:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Rob
They are one boyband that I really cannot stand, and it seems like it's a huge tragedy that this Brian guy has left as it's all over the papers. It's not a tragedy at all because they still have at least 4 other vocalists left. I don't understand why a band needs 5 or more people all on vocals. All you need it one lead singer, and maybe two (at the most) background singers.

Now if he was the guitarist I could understand why it would be such a tragedy as he would need replacing, and lots of bands who have replaced members haven't done as well since (e.g. Aerosmith evicting Perry for a short period). But Westlife don't even play music or write their own songs. They suck big time. Can't even believe I have even made the effort to post on this subject.
1. just because you don't think it's a shame, doesn't mean somebody else doesn't.

2. i'm pretty sure one plays guitar on stage but i'm not sure.

3. i'm also pretty sure that they've written some songs themselves.
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