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Old 11-25-2009, 05:30 PM
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Jovi Freak
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1. Choice of TV Promo:
Let it be known that I said this all along when we were talking about what kind of promo they would be doing for The Circle (can't find the f*ckin thread). Strictly in terms of American TV, doing promo on the Today Show is pointless. Doing shows like Ellen, Oprah, etc. is pointless and just damn right silly. Most people work and those who continually watch these shows are stay-at-home mothers. Most of these stay-at-home mothers are of age when Bon Jovi was at the height of their popularity and already know of them and probably already like them or don't. They are not reaching any new audiences, particularly the younger audience my age they seem to so desperately trying to reach but don't know how.

2. Twitter:
The guy who wrote the above article is right, twitter is in and it's a popular, acceptable way of self promotion. They need to start Twittering. Richie tweets but only to try to get people to reach into their pockets and donate money to the You Can Go Home campaign and that doesn't make him necessarily relatable.

3. Choice of Singles:
It also doesn't help when you release possibly the worst song on the album as the first single. It sucks and it's not making anyone go buy the record let alone it sounds horrible live and bores the shit of diehards so I can't imagine what people who aren't are thinking during those 4 minutes.

Last edited by RSROCKS; 11-25-2009 at 05:54 PM..
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