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Old 05-16-2024, 10:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Captain_jovi View Post
Agreed with the above. And a song doesn't need to be a hit single for someone new to find it. Hell, Say it Isn't so got me into the band. Yeah IML was a hit but any released song has the capability to be someone's "wow" song.

Wow! SIIS got you into the band! Thank you for sharing this . Very cool indeed

Quite an extraordinary way to become a Bon Jovi fan! This is very refreshing, thinking outside of the box. Obviously, not everyone was brought in by Prayer or IML or Always.

My story is a bit boring as compared to yours. I happened to be 14 by the time Slippery came out so Bad Name was the one that got me into the band. I guess this was the most common way back in the 80’s

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Old 05-16-2024, 10:50 AM
Koshkajay Koshkajay is offline
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Originally Posted by Supersonic View Post
Aloha !

I don't think anything of this. This is Jon Bon Jovi pretending to give a shit about what the fans think by inviting the least critical people out there.

Salaam Aleikum,

It’s a brand deal with one of the big mobile networks (which also sponsors arenas), I expect that doesn’t hurt.

For the rest, well, who else is going to enter a contest to meet the band besides fans of the band? It’s a fun promotional gimmick that gets a few extra eyes on them and will also help give the band a steer on how the tracks go down with people before they go on the road, if they do go on the road. I think it’s smart, and a nice callback for fans that know the pizza parlour history.
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Old 05-16-2024, 10:54 AM
Koshkajay Koshkajay is offline
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Originally Posted by Sami View Post
Wow! SIIS got you into the band! Thank you for sharing this . Very cool indeed

Quite an extraordinary way to become a Bon Jovi fan! This is very refreshing, thinking outside of the box. Obviously, not everyone was brought in by Prayer or IML or Always.

My story is a bit boring as compared to yours. I happened to be 14 by the time Slippery came out so Bad Name was the one that got me into the band. I guess this was the most common way back in the 80’s

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I’m just impressed by those of you that can remember specific songs that got you into the band! It’s cool to have a defining moment.

I used to just nick my older brother’s Slippery tape when I was a kid, carried on from there, saw them first on the KTF tour, and then ended up staying with the band waaaaay longer than he did.
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Old 05-16-2024, 11:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Koshkajay View Post
I’m just impressed by those of you that can remember specific songs that got you into the band! It’s cool to have a defining moment.

I used to just nick my older brother’s Slippery tape when I was a kid, carried on from there, saw them first on the KTF tour, and then ended up staying with the band waaaaay longer than he did.

Your story is very cool, too!

In my case it all happened in a little less than 4 minutes. Watching the Bad Name video and seeing and hearing them for the first time, it was probably during the last choruses when my life had already changed permanently. I knew it right then.
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Old 05-16-2024, 11:34 AM
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Originally Posted by bonjovi_cro View Post
I must respectfully disagree on both points.

First, I don't think kids in 1986 "decided" anything. It was a brilliant little trick to gauge interest and little local hype, and I'm very much in favour of such gimmicks. But let's not pretend that Prayer went from B-side that Jon doesn't like to 2nd single cause few kids from Sayreville said it rocks. If anything, some gems were left from the album, such as Edge of the broken heart, kids would probably endorse that one.

Second, I don't think singles after album are pointless. There are several bands that I like and I am interested in, but due to time and obligations I cannot follow closely. And when record company basically pays and sends out memos around the world that new single is out, or new trailer gains traction on social media, I also get to see it. If I like the song, then I listen to other single. If I like that one, I find time to listen to album (recent example Pearl Jam).

I do agree they are pointless for us here, hardcore fans or whatever you call it, but there are millions of people out there who don't even know Jovi has new album out, but are theoretically interested in that. For example, Jovi has much more followers on FB and Youtube than number of views or streams on any platform of 1st single Legendary. It would be fair to say they don't like it if they hear it first. But most of followers didn't even hear it. Pluging the single these days is trying to tap in that pool for a band like Jovi, not so much into new pool (or it should be like that with Living Proof at least)
I just don't think that the has the right appeal to attract general public with their singles. People responding to them are just their fans imo.

To contradict myself a bit - a lot of current artists release only singles because nobody buys it but people stream it. And makes more sense to make fuss every now and then with one song rather then giving them all out. Even though I'm old school and love albums, I'm really enjoying Richie's singles every Friday. It's definitely better than if he released all four together as an EP.

So yes, I was thinking as a Bon Jovi diehard when I was typing previous post.

About the listening party. Don't get me wrong. It's a cool idea and again something for the most dedicated fans. I can't judge how much influence the original listening parties had, I'd like to believe they helped somehow. It's just that the story is they did and now they're promoting it the same way. Which is not the case at all. I Know, sometimes I'm too punctual
"If you got a dream, no matter what anybody tells you, if you think that you’ve got to go for it, then you should go for it, because you’ve got one life. And the next time somebody tells you: ‘You can’t do that’ you can tell them to screw themselves, because it’s your life and you do what the hell you want with it. So this is a song about having a dream and chasing it, till you find the Bright Lights." - Aldo Nova.
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Old 05-16-2024, 11:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Koshkajay View Post
I’m just impressed by those of you that can remember specific songs that got you into the band! It’s cool to have a defining moment.

I used to just nick my older brother’s Slippery tape when I was a kid, carried on from there, saw them first on the KTF tour, and then ended up staying with the band waaaaay longer than he did.
It's My Life on Minster FM back in't day. Went out and got the tape single the next weekend. iirc 99p from Woolies. I know I'm getting old because three parts of that sentence don't exist anymore.
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Old 05-16-2024, 12:34 PM
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Originally Posted by bonjovi_cro View Post
Second, I don't think singles after album are pointless. There are several bands that I like and I am interested in, but due to time and obligations I cannot follow closely. And when record company basically pays and sends out memos around the world that new single is out, or new trailer gains traction on social media, I also get to see it. If I like the song, then I listen to other single. If I like that one, I find time to listen to album (recent example Pearl Jam).
I get your point but from a label point of view they are only interested in getting as high a chart position as possible, and therefore are only really interested in first week sales. That's why we often get 4 singles before a new album is released nowadays and maybe 1 or none afterwards. It's not like it was in the 80's, 90's and early 2000s. The album campaign just doesn't last for 2 years anymore. It will be a few months leading up to the album and maybe a month after the album and the campaign is dead as far as the label are concerned and won't be spending any money on things like more videos. It's just the way the industry has evolved.
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Old 05-16-2024, 12:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Johny View Post
I just don't think that the has the right appeal to attract general public with their singles. People responding to them are just their fans imo.
They don't. People are getting over excited and saying that they think Living Proof could be a worldwide hit after just hearing the samples. But tell me, when was the last time a band in their 60s had a worldwide hit? It just doesn't happen as a general rule. Because the audience that make records hits are all a lot younger than anyone that is interested in a new Bon Jovi song.
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Old 05-16-2024, 12:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Thinny View Post
They don't. People are getting over excited and saying that they think Living Proof could be a worldwide hit after just hearing the samples. But tell me, when was the last time a band in their 60s had a worldwide hit? It just doesn't happen as a general rule. Because the audience that make records hits are all a lot younger than anyone that is interested in a new Bon Jovi song.

I understand this, I do. Yet I can’t help dreaming on, even if I know their chances are practically zero. Old habits die hard
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Old 05-16-2024, 01:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Thinny View Post
They don't. People are getting over excited and saying that they think Living Proof could be a worldwide hit after just hearing the samples. But tell me, when was the last time a band in their 60s had a worldwide hit? It just doesn't happen as a general rule. Because the audience that make records hits are all a lot younger than anyone that is interested in a new Bon Jovi song.
I agree that chances for global hit are very minimal if not theoretical. However, Jovi does have very large social media following as an iconic rock band. When you get a rocking single out, and if it's good song and solid promo push, it can have that word of mouth that Jovi is "back", that there is a cool new song out, his voice is back, blabla, positive momentum is possible and with this catchy chorus, song can get to somewhat HAND levels in catalog of band's music. For me, this scenario is already a dream, cause I left that hope after WAN basically.

Forget the charts, but streaming numbers and overall "mood" of fanbase is now very important. A song like that can have middling performance on radio, but plug in the new tour as more and more causal fans are drawn in. Let's not forget there are 24 million FB followers of Bon Jovi. Just tap in that pool, make most of them listen, and if they like it, it's a modern Jovi staple.

The trick is how to tap in those numbers, as most of them don't get Jovi news reelz on their feed. However, Jon did very smart with new documentary and there are more buzz in mainstream media now than ever since Sambora left at the minimum
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