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Old 06-30-2008, 03:48 AM
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Becky Becky is offline
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Blood Money was originally a six minute song with verse after verse after verse. He cut it down because there was a certain scene in the movie where they were considering using a lyrical song, but then they decided not to do so. I don't know if he recorded the six minute version or if he knew ahead of time that they wanted a very short version. If he knew ahead of time, he may never have recorded the whole thing.

I can't remember with certainty what the first four songs were. Sorry. I don't know if he never specified or if my brain has short-circuited. LOL I'm pretty sure that Billy Get Your Guns was one of the four.

Jeff Beck agreed to be part of the project so quickly that Jon thought he was lying to him and blowing him off. Jeff basically said, "Yeah, sure. Gotta go. Bye." Ha ha. Elton was using the same recording studio and since he and Jon were already friends, Jon asked him to play on a few songs.
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