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Old 01-21-2010, 01:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Rob View Post
I like them both because they are raw and have a lot of energy. I do think certain songs on them are a little cheesy compared to the stuff they wrote in the latter 80s/early 90s but musically a lot of the songs are quite strong. I probably prefer the first album out the two as I think songs such as Roulette, Runaway, Get Ready, Shot Through The Heart and Love Lies are all good pop/rock songs. 7800 has always been kinda weak for me, with the exception of Tokyo Road, Price of Love and In and Out Of Love. King of The Mountain is shite, and I ain't a big fan of Always Run To You and To The Fire. I think they did right getting Desmond Child in to help them write Slippery.
Yes I think hiring DC was one of the defining moments when it comes to Bon Jovi breaking into superstardom. The athmospheric and artistic difference between Fahrenheit and SWW is very dramatic, itīs hard to believe the same band wrote those songs just about a year later. You put those 3 songwriters together and itīs often been pure magic.

Still, I love Fahrenheit. In the eighties, at a time, it was my favorite Bon Jovi album. There are some obvious fillers and it is evident those 10 songs were the only ones they actually had (like Jon has more recently stated). But speaking of pure hard rock, it doesnīt get better than In & Out Of Love. The chorus may be Heavenīs On Fire recycled but this song kicks ass like no other song -ever.

The sadness and melancholy on Only Lonely and Price of Love are quite unique, too. At that time, the characteristic Bon Jovi optimism was yet to come. Nowadays, they donīt write songs like that anymore.
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