Thread: Without Love
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Old 12-03-2007, 09:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Supersonic View Post
Aloha !

Maybe you don't, which is why you didn't understand my reply in the first place, and still have trouble understanding it at all, which I will gladly explain to you, and sadly, this makes you only look more of the idiot you pretend not to be.
I was wondering how long it would take until you get to kindergarten level. "I'm not the idiot, you are!" Translated "I do understand, you don't". Of course. Almost like politicians. Next thing you'll tell me is that I am living together with some idiot and that's why I am more idiotic than you are. Ah well. You did worse!
Once again though, your silly remarks are not theories. Only self-obsessed knowitalls like you would call such superficialities a "theory". But then, this is exactly what you are, a self-obsessed "knowitall", who in the end doesn't even know to use sarcasm or irony.

No, not a theory. Just based upon the various replies you've posted over the years in which you tried a lot of times to be clever and witty towards me and Iceman, while we always made you look like a fool.
Interesting. You were monitoring the way I "post over the years". That says a lot. It's also interesting that you write three lines without using a verb and still think that you can make someone look like a fool. Goes hand in hand with what I was saying before. It's no theory either, just an observation.
Regarding Iceman, I had my disputes with him and I still have but unlike you, he is somebody who has the strength to admit if somebody made a good point.

And here's what I said:

So yes, you are accusing the record company of trying the same by forcing the band to put Without Love on the album, and gave the reason that there should be a sappy ballad on it. My theory about not needing a sappy ballad because there was a Never Say Goodbye on the album makes your accusation not really that clever.
What I said was:
Although both Bon Jovi and Bounce had other sappy ballads on them, the record company still forced some more onto the same records. But sure, compared to your narcissistic "wisdom", there hardly is anything "clever" at all in the world.

That's not what I said and you're putting words in my mouth trying to make me look like I'm the one who's wrong. I'm not, and you know it. Like you always know it when you're wrong but try to talk crap about certain things, put words in other peoples mouth just to make you able to leave without being the one who looked like the idiot.
I am putting words into your mouth? Is this a pathetic joke? You are "quoting" people who never said what you pretend they said. You are changing people's names into whatever degrading word comes to your mind and then add some nonsense just because you have nothing left to say. Your number one hobby is insulting anyway and as soon as somebody couldn't care less about your insults you get all agitated. As I am not "innocent" myself, I am far from being the hypocrite you are.

But yes. Idiot sums it up pretty well. You just made yourself look like an idiot again. Because in the end, Without Love wasn't needed for Slippery to have a sappy ballad. Twist my words many times, but you know I'm right. Idiot.

Salaam Aleikum,

Impressive conclusion you draw here. If I didn't know it's you who came up with it, I'd almost get offended.
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