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YGLABN In Rock Band

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Old 02-02-2010, 06:56 PM
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Default YGLABN In Rock Band

For those who may give a shit, find it interesting, may not be aware of...You Give Love A Bad Name is one of the tracks in Lego Rock Band, which the full track list can be exported into Rock Band 2. Most of you probably already know it first popped up on Guitar Hero 5 for those who pay much attention to the genre.

Anyway, for those who don't know....all songs in these games need to have endings, which means songs that originally faded out need to have the original studio track remixed to add an ending...which generally is not the ending you'll find from the real band as done live since the ending is made up of what exists from the master tracks.

The ending given to YGLABN in Guitar Hero 5 is not worth mentioning, pretty much a total cop out that just ends anti-climatically. However, where it gets interesting is the Rock Band version is the original studio version with an ending exactly as the band does it live. I've always hated fade outs on any studio versions, except for looking forward to seeing what they do with it live, so I loved hearing the studio version with a proper ending finally...with Jon finishing it out accapella sans the audience. I plan on getting it so I can put it in my Library and replace the fade out version on the album.

I just got my Slippery Dual Disc in, which I'm currently listening to with headphones since it is early and the rest of the household is asleep. Even in stereo it's easy to notice the difference beyond the obvious differences like the extended parts. I was hoping the dual disc was where the Rock Band version came from, unfortunately not.
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Last edited by Bleeding Purist; 02-02-2010 at 07:07 PM..
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Old 02-02-2010, 07:01 PM
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By the way, I know some would debate the butchery by doing so, but has anyone ripped the SWW Surround mix audio? My PC isn't playing the disc with WMP giving me an error message involving rights. I had issues with the HAND Dual Disc that were definitely to be blamed on my DVD drive which apparently has limitations on the reading area so it fails out. I'm hoping that's the case this time as well because I've been using the same drive since the HAND Dual Disc came out and frankly I'm ready to drop kick it off to retirement and add the Blu Ray Drive.
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Old 02-02-2010, 11:11 PM
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With regards to the Guitar Hero version, I disagree. According to the Guitar Hero developers, when they obtain the master tracks of a song they try and leave them unedited as much as possible, which often means that songs that normally fade out have their original studio endings restored. What Rock Band does is just try and find a suitable ending to the song (hence the acapella ending), which is fine but sometimes leads to abrupt endings where the song just ends on a suitable chord.

Livin' on a Prayer is a great example of this. In both GH and Rock Band, after the key change, where the SWW version fades out Tico does a big snare roll and the band go back into the talkbox rhythm from the intro. It's pretty cool, because in GH World Tour we can hear Richie do an 'acapella' talk box outro solo with no other instruments. Rock Band restores the intro reprise too but ends it abruptly before Richie's talkbox outro.

I've personally ripped the GH audio and replaced the Slippery versions, because I hate fade-outs. Plus it's great to hear the song as originally recorded.

Meh, while I'm in a "Bon Jovi in GH/RB" thread I might as well plug my Dry County Guitar Hero II custom:
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Old 02-02-2010, 11:38 PM
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Originally Posted by DVD Smith View Post
With regards to the Guitar Hero version, I disagree. According to the Guitar Hero developers, when they obtain the master tracks of a song they try and leave them unedited as much as possible, which often means that songs that normally fade out have their original studio endings restored. What Rock Band does is just try and find a suitable ending to the song (hence the acapella ending), which is fine but sometimes leads to abrupt endings where the song just ends on a suitable chord.
I actually hear this happening with both games. However, in this case, they didn't just find a suitable ending, they did it exactly as it is done live when the band performs it.
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Old 02-03-2010, 06:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Bleeding Purist View Post
By the way, I know some would debate the butchery by doing so, but has anyone ripped the SWW Surround mix audio?
I've managed to only rip the SS mix to stereo mp3, which manages to catch the main body of the songs (you'll still get the acoustic intro to NSG for example), but the center channel is out of proportion with the left/right channels. Then again I only did it purely to hear the longer versions without digging out the dualdisc and having to go down into the living room each time I wanna listen to it. I'd love to be able to somehow downmix the 5.1 mix to stereo "properly" if you will, but shame to admit I'm not THAT skilled to do it, and I probably need some stupidly expensive software just for that task.

And I do love the Guitar Hero/Rock band outros to Prayer and Bad Name. Shame I don't have an Xbox or any of the games.

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Last edited by Dave 1986; 02-03-2010 at 06:57 PM..
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Old 02-03-2010, 07:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Dave 1986 View Post
I've managed to only rip the SS mix to stereo mp3, which manages to catch the main body of the songs (you'll still get the acoustic intro to NSG for example), but the center channel is out of proportion with the left/right channels. Then again I only did it purely to hear the longer versions without digging out the dualdisc and having to go down into the living room each time I wanna listen to it. I'd love to be able to somehow downmix the 5.1 mix to stereo "properly" if you will, but shame to admit I'm not THAT skilled to do it, and I probably need some stupidly expensive software just for that task.

And I do love the Guitar Hero/Rock band outros to Prayer and Bad Name. Shame I don't have an Xbox or any of the games.
Thanks for answering. That pretty much answers that the problem is the DVD now I have an excuse to add that Blu Ray Drive finally.

I'll have to see if I can do it afterwards and whether it's the same result as yours.
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Old 02-03-2010, 07:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Bleeding Purist View Post
Thanks for answering. That pretty much answers that the problem is the DVD now I have an excuse to add that Blu Ray Drive finally.

I'll have to see if I can do it afterwards and whether it's the same result as yours.
Not a problem. If you still have no success, PM me.

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Old 02-03-2010, 07:51 PM
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Foobar2000 is the software to convert 5.1 pcm to stereo wavs burnable to CD.

Open the application.
Add the files of interest.
Highlight the files.
Right click on the highlighted files.
Select convert/convert to
The Converter Setup window pops up.
Click on DSP Processing then click on the box with three dots in it.
The DSP Converter window pops up.
From the right hand column, select Convert 5.1 to Stereo and press the <= button.
From the right hand column, select Resampler (PPHS) and press the <= button.
Press the Configure button and ensure its set for 44100 Hz.
Click OK.
The Converter Setup window is still open.
Ensure Encoding Preset is set to WAV and press OK.
Select the save location and press save.
The highlighted files will now be resampled to 44.1kHz and converted to stereo at the location you specified.
Burn those files to CD and you have a stereo CD of your 5.1 PCM files.

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Old 02-03-2010, 07:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Iceman View Post

Foobar2000 is the software to convert 5.1 pcm to stereo wavs burnable to CD.

Open the application.
Add the files of interest.
Highlight the files.
Right click on the highlighted files.
Select convert/convert to
The Converter Setup window pops up.
Click on DSP Processing then click on the box with three dots in it.
The DSP Converter window pops up.
From the right hand column, select Convert 5.1 to Stereo and press the <= button.
From the right hand column, select Resampler (PPHS) and press the <= button.
Press the Configure button and ensure its set for 44100 Hz.
Click OK.
The Converter Setup window is still open.
Ensure Encoding Preset is set to WAV and press OK.
Select the save location and press save.
The highlighted files will now be resampled to 44.1kHz and converted to stereo at the location you specified.
Burn those files to CD and you have a stereo CD of your 5.1 PCM files.

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Thank you
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Old 02-03-2010, 09:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Bleeding Purist View Post
You do realize I've been waiting for you to say something? Took you long enough.

Thank you
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