Thread: Star Wars
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Old 01-18-2020, 09:07 PM
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I enjoyed myself when I saw it, but I thought the film was just ok. It was fun, action-packed and acted like a love-letter to fans, but it was very messy and the story was uninspired. Bringing Palpatine back was such a cop-out but I did enjoy some of his scenes. The whole revalation between certain characters (avoiding spoilers) was so unimaginative and was something I really hoped wouldn't have happened when the sequel trilogy started. Something that J. J. Abrams himself kind of went back on his words on when The Force Awakens came out.

I enjoyed TFA and TLJ and there are good things about TRoS as well, but I felt it let the whole trilogy down on all honesty. I will buy it on Blu Ray of course and will watch it again to see how I feel when the dust has settled. It does seem wierd now that it's all over as far as the "Skywalker Saga" is concerned and that sequel trilogy is all done.

I'm am looking forward to watching The Mandalorian and am intrigued to see what the Obi Wan series will be like but I'm glad that Star Wars has wound down on the big screen for now. I know other directors are going to make more films in the not-to-distant future that are not directly linked to the Skywalker Saga (but obviously in the same universe) but I'm not bothered about those for now.

Also, this is getting released at some point;

If I die tomorrow, have I said all I can say?

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