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Old 03-12-2019, 02:27 PM
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Default Leaving Neverland

Did anyone watch this?

Would love to know what people (from this forum) thought of it LOL
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Old 03-22-2019, 04:16 PM
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I finally decided to watch it last night on 4oD, if nothing else than to avoid burying my head in the sand (as a fan) and be dismissive.

I’m still not sure which way to think of I’m behind honest. The people interviewed give a very detailed account and compelling story of what apparently happened, but it’s not like there’s any evidence. And with cases like this, there never will be. The only people who will really know the truth are Jackson and these two individuals.

Before I sat down and watched the documentary, one thing I didn’t buy above all was why this wasn’t revealed in the 2005 trial. Unlike many victims of abuse by celebrities and people in power, at the time they were adults and they had a platform, an opportunity to be vocal. Wade Robson testifying in Jackson’s favour only to revoke all these years later.

Having now watched it, I’m still sceptical but I appreciate how there always seems to be a grooming process that goes on before, during and after the abuse, particularly on an emotional level where they have a hold on you. Something that I deduce is indoctrinated and is easily done at such a young age and that stays with you into adulthood before you realise that something wasn’t right. Which is why (if this is true of course) nothing was said during his lifetime.

It’s all too similar to the Jimmy Savile/BBC scandal that arose one year after his passing in 2012. (I don’t know how well known Savile is outside of the UK) how abuse went on for decades as he “hid in the spotlight” as it were, and I believed those cases despite (like with Jackson) no actual evidence. But then Savile’s reign as a TV presenter/personality during the 70s and 80s was a bit before my time, where as Jackson was still a superstar right up until his passing.

These cases of abuse against children in this nature are always difficult as you’re always hard-pushed to find any concrete evidence (particularly if the accused is not alive to defend themselves) and some people will always try to fabricate a story about someone for money and attention. But of course I do think victims of abuse must be heard.

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