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Old 05-14-2014, 07:32 PM
rolo_tomachi rolo_tomachi is offline
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Originally Posted by Supersonic View Post
Aloha !

Like others, it wouldn't surprise me if it'd contain live cuts previously released on now out of print remaster or CD singles. Knowing the way Obie's mixing things chances are it'll sound better on the out of print remasters than it will on the new stuff. And if the live cuts have never been released on vinyl or CD, they'll most likely stem from footage aired on the BBC, meaning more stuff people have seen and heard by now.

But it'd be nice if most of us are proven wrong.

Given the chances they've had to release something decent (Remasters in 1995, Slippery XX in 2007 and all the Special Editions in 2010) it wouldn't surprise me if they'll use this as another pointless cash cow as opposed to really releasing something special that will capture the importance of that era of their career, and something that'll highlight how they were the biggest band back then.

Sadly, given Bon Jovi's marketing strategy the only edition containing a bit of stuff most of the die hards don't have yet will be on the Super Duper Deluxe Rare Collectors edition for just $99,99 including 5 postcards, a keychain and a code you can use to register just so you can buy more rare MP3's of yet another live rendition of Bad Medicine.

Salaam Aleikum,
This sucks, but you have reason. I just hope a miracle, as was "100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can not Be Wrong" or something inferior, 2 or 3 cds with unreleased songs.

They have to release something for Christmas, something commemorative for the 30th anniversary.
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