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Old 09-07-2020, 02:19 PM
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Jon wrote a political album. He's saying socially conscious but the more I read about it, its political so its almost impossible to avoid.

This world really needs a pick me up right now. Not some bullshit song like Ameican Reckoning. "Am I Next, Am I Next". Those lyrics are depressing and are not something I want to hear on a Bon Jovi album right now. Every media outlet is shoving this stuff down our throats 24/7...We really dont need a Bon Jovi album to raise awareness. We need a Bon Jovi album to escape it all.

Here is the thing with Americans and politics... It's okay to like whomever you like. That's the beauty and freedom of it but it should never be discussed. If you take a look at the past 4 years, you can obviously see why. I'm more than guilty of it myself but I've come to realize that I'm not really upset about people's views and choices... I'm more upset about people's instabilities to keep those views to themselves.

I don't think I've ever started a political conversation. I've only responded to them.
I'm more about, if you can dish it out, you should be able to take it.

So at the end of it, I'm just responding to Jon's statements, public views, and song lyrics. If Jon did the right thing and kept it to himself, I would have never muttered a political statement on this thread.

If you watch the old Jon - Blaze Of Glory interview with Kurt Loder, Jon even says that his political views are kept quiet. Agree or Disagree, It's no one's business but their own... That's the Jon I like and respect!!!!

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Last edited by Rdkopper; 09-07-2020 at 02:46 PM..
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Old 09-07-2020, 02:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Rdkopper View Post
Jon wrote a political album. He's saying socially conscious but the more I read about it, its political so its almost impossible to avoid.

This word really needs a pick me up right now. Not some bullshit song like Ameican Reckoning. "Am I Next, Am I Next". Those lyrics are depressing and are not something I want to hear on a Bon Jovi album right now. Every media outlet is shoving this stuff down our throats 24/7...We really dont need a Bon Jovi album to raise awareness. We need a Bon Jovi album to escape it all.

Here is the thing with Americans and politics... It's okay to like whomever you like. That's the beauty and freedom of it but it should never be discussed. If you take a look at the past 4 years, you can obviously see why. I'm more than guilty of it myself but I've come to realize that I'm not really upset about people's views and choices... I'm more upset about people's instabilities to keep those views to themselves.

I don't think I've ever started a political conversation. I've only responded to them.
I'm more about, if you can dish it out, you should be able to take it.

So at the end of it, I'm just responding to Jon's statements, public views, and song lyrics. If Jon did the right thing and kept it to himself, I would have never muttered a political statement on this thread.

If you watch the old Jon - Blaze Of Glory interview with Kurt Loder, Jon even says that his political views are kept quiet. Agree or Disagree, It's no one's business but their own... That's the Jon I like and respect!!!!

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That was also thirty years ago, and in a completely different world.

I'm 37 and much more politically engaged now then when I was 21. I don't think we have much of a choice anymore.

The album may not be any good, who knows, but I'd rather get a taste of the real JBJ in the music than one he fabricates to avoid offending anyone.

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Old 09-07-2020, 03:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Adam D View Post
That was also thirty years ago, and in a completely different world.

I'm 37 and much more politically engaged now then when I was 21. I don't think we have much of a choice anymore.

The album may not be any good, who knows, but I'd rather get a taste of the real JBJ in the music than one he fabricates to avoid offending anyone.

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You're not engaged more because of your age, you're engaged more because politics is trending more through social media then ever before.

There should be more to JBJ then politics and Jon's always been a brilliant fictional writer. Again, Blaze Of Glory was written from a movie script. There are other directions Jon could have moved in and I'd even give him a song or two but not an entire album.

As a matter of fact, I don't think this is The Real JBJ at all... He's obviously not a politician, he wants this album out before the election to influence his fans to vote in a certain way, and I really don't know who Jon is trying to impress or what's on his agenda but addressing topics that have been beaten to death by the media show zero originality to me.

Yes! Can't wait to hear a song on gun violence!!!

What's the over / under that Lower The Flag is nothing more then American Reckoning and Unbroken part 3? I can already vision Jon's raspy voice and melancholy attitude.

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Old 09-07-2020, 03:33 PM
JackieBlue JackieBlue is offline
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I agree this thread isn't the place for a political discussion; but the content from the album makes that a little difficult. And since others have managed to get their points across while calling people out for it, I'm going to say this one thing and then shut up. People who don't live here, or who base their opinions on "facts" they get from most of mainstream media, are only considering one half of the story.

I'm neither Republican nor Democrat; and I'm certainly not a Trump supporter. He makes my skin crawl; and I wish to God someone would cancel his Twitter account. But while he may not have done everything right with COVID-19, I doubt anyone else would've done any better. And, in fact, most of those enlightened Democrats, who spend more time pointing fingers than they do trying to accomplish something good, aren't doing any better. But you don't hear that, day in and day out, like you hear the media jump on everything Trump does or says, doing everything they possibly can to discredit him. His comments are taken out of context to create headlines and italicized blurbs because they know that's all 90% of the people are going to see.

The COVID numbers are inflated. From Day One, the media and Tw-idiots have played "pick and choose" with the statistics to draw attention and create widespread panic in an effort to discredit the Trump administration. The Democrats and the liberal media have been pissed since the impeachment process let them down when Trump was acquitted; and they're scared witless because they know they don't have a candidate who could stand against the Republicans in November on the issues alone. So they're using the only weapons they have, which is to trash the opponent and rally behind someone (that over half of them have no confidence in), by pushing emotional buttons and chanting "vote blue no matter who".

Likewise, the numbers of "social justice" incidents are being similarly jacked up, while our cities are being trashed by "peaceful" demonstrations that are encouraged by Black Lives Matter, a group founded and led by well-trained Marxist organizers. Their goal is to break down our political system and societal institutions, including family, education, and religion; and from the state of things right now, it seems they are making inroads towards doing just that.

COVID-19 and the George Floyd killing gave the Democrats, the liberal media, and BLM a golden opportunity, and they are exploiting it to the max. They're playing this situation like a Stradivarius; and a lot of people who don't read past the headlines, or who listen only to the soundbites, are buying into it - hook, line, and sinker.

From what I've seen in the lyrics for 2020, Jon's just singing their song.

Last edited by JackieBlue; 09-07-2020 at 03:41 PM..
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Old 09-07-2020, 03:41 PM
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Hey guys, let's not. Lots of places on the board for all of this type of discussion. Please keep it out of here.
Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
Don't make the mistake of thinking that even 1% of Bon Jovi fans are like you, because they aren't. Don't think you know how Bon Jovi fans think. You don't. You know yourself. Stick to that.
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Old 09-07-2020, 03:43 PM
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Originally Posted by JackieBlue View Post
I agree this thread isn't the place for a political discussion; but the content from the album makes that a little difficult. And since others have managed to get their points across while calling people out for it, I'm going to say this one thing and then shut up. People who don't live here, or who base their opinions on "facts" they get from most of mainstream media, are only considering one half of the story.

I'm neither Republican nor Democrat; and I'm certainly not a Trump supporter. He makes my skin crawl; and I wish to God someone would cancel his Twitter account. But while he may not have done everything right with COVID-19, I doubt anyone else would've done any better. And, in fact, most of those enlightened Democrats, who spend more time pointing fingers than they do trying to accomplish something good, aren't doing any better. But you don't hear that, day in and day out, like you hear the media jump on everything Trump does or says, doing everything they possibly can to discredit him. His comments are taken out of context to create headlines and italicized blurbs because they know that's all 90% of the people are going to see.

The COVID numbers are inflated. From Day One, the media and Tw-idiots have played "pick and choose" with the statistics to draw attention and create widespread panic in an effort to discredit the Trump administration. The Democrats and the liberal media have been pissed since the impeachment process let them down when Trump was acquitted; and they're scared witless because they know they don't have a candidate who could stand against the Republicans in November on the issues alone. So they're using the only weapons they have, which is to trash the opponent and rally behind someone (that over half of them have no confidence in), by pushing emotional buttons and chanting "vote blue no matter who".

Likewise, the numbers of "social justice" incidents are being similarly jacked up, while our cities are being trashed by "peaceful" demonstrations that are encouraged by Black Lives Matter, a group founded and led by well-trained Marxist organizers. Their goal is to break down our political system and societal institutions, including family, education, and religion; and from the state of things right now, it seems they are making inroads towards doing just that.

COVID-19 and the George Floyd killing gave the Democrats, the liberal media, and BLM a golden opportunity, and they are exploiting it to the max. They're playing this situation like a Stradivarius; and a lot of people who don't read past the headlines, or who listen only to the soundbites, are buying into it - hook, line, and sinker.

From what I've seen in the lyrics for 2020, Jon's just singing their song.

So much I could say to all of this but don't have the energy and I clearly won't say anything to change these very entrenched views so I am goin to enjoy my day off.

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Old 09-07-2020, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by JackieBlue View Post
I agree this thread isn't the place for a political discussion; but the content from the album makes that a little difficult. And since others have managed to get their points across while calling people out for it, I'm going to say this one thing and then shut up. People who don't live here, or who base their opinions on "facts" they get from most of mainstream media, are only considering one half of the story.

I'm neither Republican nor Democrat; and I'm certainly not a Trump supporter. He makes my skin crawl; and I wish to God someone would cancel his Twitter account. But while he may not have done everything right with COVID-19, I doubt anyone else would've done any better. And, in fact, most of those enlightened Democrats, who spend more time pointing fingers than they do trying to accomplish something good, aren't doing any better. But you don't hear that, day in and day out, like you hear the media jump on everything Trump does or says, doing everything they possibly can to discredit him. His comments are taken out of context to create headlines and italicized blurbs because they know that's all 90% of the people are going to see.

The COVID numbers are inflated. From Day One, the media and Tw-idiots have played "pick and choose" with the statistics to draw attention and create widespread panic in an effort to discredit the Trump administration. The Democrats and the liberal media have been pissed since the impeachment process let them down when Trump was acquitted; and they're scared witless because they know they don't have a candidate who could stand against the Republicans in November on the issues alone. So they're using the only weapons they have, which is to trash the opponent and rally behind someone (that over half of them have no confidence in), by pushing emotional buttons and chanting "vote blue no matter who".

Likewise, the numbers of "social justice" incidents are being similarly jacked up, while our cities are being trashed by "peaceful" demonstrations that are encouraged by Black Lives Matter, a group founded and led by well-trained Marxist organizers. Their goal is to break down our political system and societal institutions, including family, education, and religion; and from the state of things right now, it seems they are making inroads towards doing just that.

COVID-19 and the George Floyd killing gave the Democrats, the liberal media, and BLM a golden opportunity, and they are exploiting it to the max. They're playing this situation like a Stradivarius; and a lot of people who don't read past the headlines, or who listen only to the soundbites, are buying into it - hook, line, and sinker.

From what I've seen in the lyrics for 2020, Jon's just singing their song.
Yes Yes Yes Yes and Yes!!!

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Old 09-07-2020, 03:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Captain_jovi View Post
Hey guys, let's not. Lots of places on the board for all of this type of discussion. Please keep it out of here.
We're just responding to Jon's lyrics!!!

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Old 09-07-2020, 04:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Rdkopper View Post
We're just responding to Jon's lyrics!!!

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Don't pull that crap. Find me a track called "COVID's numbers are inflated".

"I don't want an album that mentions X" is perfectly fine

"I don't want an album that mentions X because it's hoax perpetrated...." is political talk.

Just open another thread and go nuts. (This isn't me piling on anyone, I just woke up and hadn't been on the board in a day so it's bout the amount of posts I missed). Speaking of, back up to Steel Horse, apology accepted. But again, please stop ramming your opinion down everyone's throats. You're checking a thread for something you hate to remind everyone and we hate it.
Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
Don't make the mistake of thinking that even 1% of Bon Jovi fans are like you, because they aren't. Don't think you know how Bon Jovi fans think. You don't. You know yourself. Stick to that.
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Old 09-07-2020, 04:02 PM
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Originally Posted by bjcrazycpa View Post
So much I could say to all of this but don't have the energy and I clearly won't say anything to change these very entrenched views so I am goin to enjoy my day off.

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I'm about done period.

You all enjoy the album, or not. I'll keep my Jovi related comments to Twitter etc going forward.

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"Each song played was just another example of how ingenious these guys are at writing choruses that make you feel like there’s a big game tomorrow, that you’re the underdog, and that you’re going to win."
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