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Old 10-07-2021, 04:02 PM
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Originally Posted by jimmyjovi89 View Post
I am really excited by the 50 songs, but do we think that many are going to be from the 80s an 90s or just Circle,WAN,THINFS and 2020 outtakes? If songs like Limitless, Fast Cars, Beautiful World and Knockout ended up on an album how bad will some of these outtakes be.
I would assume that there will be more older (2000s and earlier) outtakes since they used to write way more songs for one album than they do nowadays or it will at least be fairly balanced between older and newer stuff.

I also don't think the songs they actually put on recent albums are necessarily an indication of what the outtakes from those session might be like, because Jon in particular is quite bad at picking out which songs are the best and most worthy of being put on an album (or chosen as a single). A song like Limitless makes it onto an album because it fits a certain formula and Jon thinks it could do well commercially, while a song like Luv Can is quickly downgraded to nothing but a bonus track.
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