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Old 11-19-2020, 05:22 PM
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The One And Only Real Backstage Killer
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Originally Posted by Rdkopper View Post
No. I don't agree with any of this. Dammed if he does, dammed if he doesnt.
But of course you disagree. Your sole purpose is to disagree with any common sense and then try to shovel theories down everyone's throat and make sure to include some personal attacks here and there, as is indicated below.

Originally Posted by Rdkopper View Post
This is Jon getting with the times and opening the archives like Bruce and so many others.
Oh really now? What archive has been opened? Really. What archive has been opened? There has been no indication of him opening up any archive. Absolutely none, apart from Jon holding some sleeve saying "1982" or whatever was on that.

Originally Posted by Rdkopper View Post
A project this massive was in the works for years. Well before 2020 was even a thing. I met Obie during the This House tour and wrote a long post about this 4 years ago. I also personally asked him for those Red Bank shows and I couldn't be more excited to see what comes out of this.
Yeahyeah, you met Obie. So have many, many others by now. Your "I met Obie" story has been doing the rounds on these message boards for years. Every tour someone's met Obie and Obie has promised them great live stuff from the vaults. Or some project in the works. Or some live release coming up. We've seen what Obie's been capable off by all these hackjobs on the b-sides not released in the U.S.A. Obie enjoys talking to fans and promising stuff but has never, ever actually delivered what he promised. This is not going to change with this because there's just no way to release live stuff to a select group of fans who sign up with some membership. It makes no sense.

Fans desperately wanted and asked for a Christmas Album for years and it's the holiday season. That might not even be part of this package.
RDkopper, no one cares for Bon Jovi making christmas albums. No one cares for new Bon Jovi albums nowadays, let alone Jon Bon Jovi recording some stuff with the Kings of Subparbia. Absolutely no one. You bringing up YouTube comments as your source pretty much validates how no one cares as the comment section on a youTube post is pretty much the internet's garbage can.

Originally Posted by Rdkopper View Post
These Days was a complete flop in the US especially during those times when albums were still selling in the tens of millions. Even to date it is not even at 1 million copies sold here.
Yes it did. These Days sold more than 1.000.000 copies in the U.S.A. You can't enter at 9 in the Billboard 200 and have a chart run of nearly half a year and still sell under 1.000.000 copies. It's close to impossible.

Originally Posted by Rdkopper View Post
When it comes to other parts of the world, I question some of those numbers and how Wikipedia reports them. A half a million is Platinum in Europe versus 1 million in the US plus other parts count single sales as albums too.
It'd help if you'd get your facts straight before you question things that aren't up your alley. How would a single sale count for the sale of a completely different album? Because they're released off that record? It doesn't work that way and it never has.

Originally Posted by Rdkopper View Post
Its comparing apples to oranges but let's just say that the album wasn't the smash out of the gate that the band was used to with prior albums... It eventually creeped it's way to success in certain countries but it definitely didn't meet instantant expectations.
How did it creep its way to success when it entered at the top 10, and often at either 1 or 2 in a lot of countries and then spend close to half a year in most countries? How is that creeping its way to succes? How can an album spawn 5 hit singles when its creeped its way to succes? It met instant expectations and went far beyond that considering how their sound had changed so much in 5 years. Jon could only wish for 2020 to do as well in America as These Days did. Having a hit single in the top 20 and an album in the album charts longer than a week. Just because the album did worse than its predecessors doesn't mean it tanked. Most bands long for the succes of These Days.

I think Jon is past the point of "desperate". I think if anyone is desperate, its you. You have limited details like the rest of us but yet you post a review on it like it's a matter of fact. Just relax and stop being you for once.
Aaaand there's your personal attack. I might have the same limited details like everyone else does but for whatever reason I seem to have a lot more common sense than those who keep getting their hopes up after disappointment after disappointment.

This "fan-project" isn't their to cater the fans. If it was, it wouldn't cost 200 dollars and they'd have told us by now what's in store. They know it's not catered to those who know what they want because they're not going to offer it anyway. If they would, they'd have announced it as more people would've signed up for it.

Salaam Aleikum,
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