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Old 06-24-2022, 12:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Captain_jovi View Post
But that raises the question, does the fanbase want it because it's unreleased or because it's good? They are absolutely skirting the rules by pulling stuff largely forgotten off of Youtube, no doubt about it, but for non collectors its some neat stuff if you're not hung totally up on the notion that a few hundred people know it exists. For the completest it's probably less desirable, true.

Thinny brought up a very good point, all the Bergman stuff (That really should have been three to four videos tops) is hella exclusive. The word doesn't lose its meaning because the package didn't hit your (not you specifically, the fanbase in generals) expectations.

The Experience isn't for the type of fan I am, but if you're new to the band or don't collect I just don't think it was that horrible.

I think the issue isn’t so much whether fans want unreleased stuff vs. good stuff, but rather the fact that they advertised the Experience with the promise of unreleased material, so that’s what people decided to pay for. If they had advertised it as “rarely seen/heard material” or something along those lines it would’ve been up to the fans to decide whether they still want to pay for something they could find elsewhere for free.

And while the David Bergman videos were exclusive for sure, they were the only content they uploaded for several months, which certainly breaks the promise of “exclusive Jon Bon Jovi monthly digital content” they have written on their website. I’m not a lawyer, so please correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure that when you subscribe to the Experience, the things they promise on their website become part of the contract, and they technically did not fulfill those contractual obligations.

The content not meeting your expectations is one thing, but when you “sign” a contract and it specifies what exactly you’re paying for and then they don’t even deliver on that, that’s just one big scam and any kind of content they might be putting out now, that they’ve already charged people for a second year, doesn’t make up for that first year.

Sure, the Experience might be nice for people who are new to the band or just not overly immersed in the live material that is already out there, but technically those fans still got scammed just like everyone else. They just don’t realize it.

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