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Old 04-03-2018, 12:53 AM
JackieBlue JackieBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by Eveline View Post
I read most of it, too, and I'm glad you got it bc I wasn't subtle about it. Well, all those Jesus jokes are very Shanks to me and no, it's not a compliment at all *Shanks got the hint and deleted it, tho* Not funny, sorry folks ;]
The relatively few negative responses on his IG may have played a part; but I wouldn't be surprised if Shanks was "encouraged" to delete it. Probably by whoever encouraged him to delete the Photoshop of the band with Richie and Ori in the background.

As for the rest of your comments, I believe the God that I serve has a keen sense of humor. And because He is also omniscient, He knows the heart of man. So I'm confident that He knows we were making light of Richie, Jon, and the band; not Him, His Son, or the message of Easter.

In fact, my original response to Rolo's comment about talking to Jesus wasn't even about the band. I was referring to overzealous fans who take everything that any of them say as "gospel" and believe that they're as infallible as the Word of God. There was no intention on anyone's part, as far as I know, to mock God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit.

Nevertheless, I sincerely apologize to anyone who saw our kidding around as blasphemous or was offended by it.
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