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Old 12-18-2024, 12:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Alphavictim View Post
Have you seen the interviews Desmond Child gives? The man isn't exactly humble lol
Ego is part of the business, everyone has it to some degree. But Child has every right to claim a part of the success of the band because if it wasn't for those songs he co-wrote it's unlikley the band would have blown up like it did and Bon Jovi would just be another forgotten 80s rock band. John Shanks can't claim anything like that. I've never seen anything as ridiculous as "I am part of their legacy" come out of Child's mouth. Because he doesn't need to - he has his own huge legacy that he is rightfully very proud of. So does Shanks and he should focus on that rather then trying to latch on to a legacy that was created by others...

Just my opinion of course, but the arrogance of that quote rubbed me the wrong way. I'm fully aware that it was a click bait title, and I fell for it, but that doesn't change the fact that he said it...
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Old 12-18-2024, 01:47 PM
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It's very important the whole quote is represented here,

"I'm looking at the setlist and I'm like...I produced that (mimics looking at list of songs being played) sounds so chintzy. As a writer or a musician you want to contribute and I look down and I go okay, so you know, I'm part of that legacy or that journey of a band that I always admired and loved..."

If he the second half wasn't there or he said it in a boastful way, I'd be right there with ya man. It can be taken a lot of ways. If you're looking at a list of songs you produced and most of 'em are still getting played (Jon's call and in no way representative of what a hit is) what he's saying is in line.

He ain't saying he built the band or is the reason they were successful. The argument can be made they'd be at the same point without him, but we don't know. His role as producer for 20 years includes him in that.
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Don't make the mistake of thinking that even 1% of Bon Jovi fans are like you, because they aren't. Don't think you know how Bon Jovi fans think. You don't. You know yourself. Stick to that.
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Old 12-18-2024, 03:39 PM
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Fair play Cap - I'd be fine with all of what he said if it wasn't for the "legacy" part. Just came off as self importance.

"I'm part of that journey of a band that I always admired and loved..." would have been much more humble in my opinion. It is what is is..I have a lot of records in my collection that he has worked on...I'm literally listening to a Sheryl Crow album he produced part of right now, but I still can't stand the guy.
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Old 12-18-2024, 05:03 PM
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Aloha !

If you've got to explain why you're part of a legacy, you're really not part of a legacy.

I can't think of anyone who thinks there's been anything relevant after Have A Nice Day because it's been nothing but mediocrity. It both shows he's either not willing to accept he's been irrelevant or doesn't want to accept that whatever he does is for Jon as opposed to for the music.

The legacy he's part of is the part both die hards wish would've been very different. The songs that are in the current set on which he worked are there because Jon's no longer able to sing more songs from the back catalog. They're essentially placeholders.

[QUOTEictory. He's a yes man who does whatever Jon wants but also challenged Jon's oiginal vision of My First Guitar and shaped into something totally different. [/QUOTE]

If he wasn't a yes man he'd have pushed Jon into rewriting that awful, awful, whiny song. Saying it needs to be more dramatic doesn't mean he's not saying no. He's telling Jon his idea could even be better, completely ignoring how mediocre it is in the first place.

Salaam Aleikum,
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Old 12-18-2024, 09:36 PM
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some interesting points in this arguments, i d like to add 2 more thoughts..

1. john shanks imo is a mediocre songwriter, he may add a nice lick or sound here and there guitar wise but his sonwriting skills imo again is average at best.
a producer SHOULD respect and work the sound of each band and not use it as a personal platform..

2. phil x has also implied that he s done some studio lead work for bj even before he was in the band. for the song what do you got... richie obviously wanted time or even delayed projects and shanks was the useful go doer who would complete songs on time for jon. So i think its not a strech to assume that shanks used session musicians at first and then went full in replacing Richie in the studio.

in the end of the day of course its jon who should protect the band and realise he should shake things up but shanks role in the last 20 years have been tough to shallow for a fan of the band..

Last edited by nikos greece; 12-18-2024 at 09:39 PM..
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Old 12-18-2024, 11:07 PM
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Default New Podcast w/ John Shanks

I am once again in an obvious minority on this board but to be honest, I don’t consider him being the bad guy of the story. Actually, I don’t think anyone is. As with almost all big bands with a long career, there’s inevitably going to be line up changes and bad chemistry.

I agree that his style of producing has taken its obvious toll. Someone on this board once said long ago that since 2005, in the studio, all that is needed is JB, Shanks and a drum machine. I get the point. The previous warm, organic feel gets lost. I miss that as much as everybody on this board. And I miss Richie sorely. Especially his vocal harmonies.

But then again, honestly, I think Shanks really is a great songwriter. I think the incredible, magical songwriting trio of JB/RS/DC sort of ran out of steam at some point during the early 2000’s and inevitably, it was time to shake things up a bit. Some of my dearest Bon Jovi songs are indeed co-written by Shanks (HAND, Brokenpromiseland, Knockout, Living Proof, to name a few…)

Without Shanks’ studio trickery, I am not sure whether JB’s voice could have sounded even as good as it has on the last few albums.

So I don’t think he ruined Bon Jovi. Even on the last few albums, there has been bright moments. There’s no going back to the 80’s or 90’s, of course, I have no argue about that. But then again, Forever is in my all time Bon Jovi top 4 albums and I am grateful for that. It’s not the same band, but for me it’s still very much Bon Jovi.

When it comes to him being part of the band’s legacy, I think it’s merely a philosophical question. It depends on how you look at it. It’s a different era altogether.

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Last edited by Sami; 12-19-2024 at 08:29 AM..
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Old 12-18-2024, 11:53 PM
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Shanks makes guitars sound like 2003 Disney channel "rock" tunes.

He also produced the best album the band has released in the last 20 years and was not involved with the worst. He co-wrote Have A Nice Day and Keep The Car Running (Goo Goo Dolls).

I think he's great with melodies and guitar layering, but he should not play on the records and he should use different pre-sets.
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Old 12-19-2024, 01:44 AM
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I think we need to debunk the theory that Shanks is the only producer who can make Jon sound as good as he does.

IMO Jon's vocals often sound overly autotuned and robotic, which has diminished the appeal of certain songs for me. There are many other techniques that could enhance Jon's voice even further. While these methods might require more time and effort, I feel Shanks lacks the capacity to push Jon to explore a broader range or invest that extra time.
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Old 12-19-2024, 02:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Alphavictim View Post
Shanks makes guitars sound like 2003 Disney channel "rock" tunes.

He also produced the best album the band has released in the last 20 years and was not involved with the worst. He co-wrote Have A Nice Day and Keep The Car Running (Goo Goo Dolls).

I think he's great with melodies and guitar layering, but he should not play on the records and he should use different pre-sets.
He's been on every album in the last 20 years, how come he wasn't involved with the worst (whichever one that may be for you)?

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Old 12-19-2024, 02:47 AM
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Default New Podcast w/ John Shanks

Originally Posted by Rdkopper View Post
I think we need to debunk the theory that Shanks is the only producer who can make Jon sound as good as he does.

IMO Jon's vocals often sound overly autotuned and robotic, which has diminished the appeal of certain songs for me. There are many other techniques that could enhance Jon's voice even further. While these methods might require more time and effort, I feel Shanks lacks the capacity to push Jon to explore a broader range or invest that extra time.

I am clueless when it comes to vocal recording techniques. I have no idea at all. But I agree that JB sounds robotic or unnatural at times on the records produced by Shanks.

Your comment sounds valid to me. I’m sure there must be a lot of producers available who could use studio trickery to boost his voice.

For me, the greatest advantage of having Shanks around is his songwriting ability.

Last edited by Sami; 12-19-2024 at 08:28 AM..
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