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Old 07-10-2020, 07:03 AM
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Supersonic Supersonic is offline
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Default Rate: American Reckoning

Aloha !

I think it's the first decent song in years. It's clear there's no band behind him anymore to help with the arrangements though. It's a shame the music's not allowed to breathe more, the harmonica solo could break things open but it doesn't. It's why songs produced like this are forgettable, the arrangement isn't surprising or entertaining enough to keep me listening and wanting to hear it again. The chorus isn't that great with your usual "stay alive, stand your ground" nonsense that needs to be in every Bon Jovi song. I've also got a hard time listening to Jon sing on studio records, the way he pronounces some words sound like he's had a stroke at times. Overall, still not bad and it sounds a lot more honest than drivel like Knockout.


Salaam Aleikum,
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