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Old 08-08-2020, 03:56 AM
QUceK1WV8 QUceK1WV8 is offline
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Originally Posted by Faceman View Post
That Desmond Child would bring them back a hit single is a myth.
After the moderatly successful Memory he co-wrote Army Of One, Brokenpromiseland, Fast Cars, Happy Now and Learn To Love. And none of them was even close to being a hit. I know they weren't released as a single but at least 3 out of those 5 even failed as album tracks for the die-hards.
Of course it is a myth. People hang on to that one point an ignore all the lines I wrote about how hard it is for an old band to write a hit. I literally gave them 01,% chance at most - which mathematically is probably too high - but as a figure of speech. Then I said -I think- their best chance is trying to appeal to the audience that loved them the most at the peak of their careers by going all out on nostalgy anthems and being larger than life. Not for a second am I thinking they would make it. It is however a better chance than Bon Jovi ever becoming relevant by chasing the current audience for popular music. These things simply do not come back from two generations back. What might happen once in a thousand years (another figure of speech..) is that the old audience briefly becomes interested again.
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