Thread: Rate: Limitless
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Old 02-21-2020, 12:11 AM
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YOVANAfromPeru YOVANAfromPeru is offline
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Originally Posted by Walleris View Post
First of all, the people who gave this a 1/10, just don't get how ratings work. And not because the song is much better than that, not at all. For a song to deserve 1/10, it has to be a failure of spectacular proportions. It would mean that they tried something different and it was a disaster. This cannot be a disaster, because they didn't really try anything. You can't call a person stupid if he/she never said a word. Or in sports terms, you can't miss a shot if you didn't take it. And this song feels like dribbling the ball until the time expires.

I gave this 5/10, which seems to be one of the higher ratings here, but I'm not happy about the song at all. I don't feel offended by how bad it is, because it's not. Instead, I just feel apathy. I remember saying something similar, when THINFS (the song) came out, but this rings even more true for Limitless - I wish this was an actual 1 or 2 or 3, because it means Jon and John actually took a risk. But they manage to make it sound even less risky than THINFS. As terribly unoriginal as THINFS was, at least it felt like they tried to write a Bon Jovi song - they put a classic Jovi structure, the hook was memorable enough, the solo was easy to listen to. At least it felt like it can represent the modern Bon Jovi - unspectacular, yet solid. And this song is just emptiness - after two listens I don't remember the melody, I don't remember a single line or an instrumental riff, nothing. I don't remember anything bad about it either. Meh.
I give 1/10 to your post.
Jon Bon Jovi said about this selfie: "That's a good one!!"
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