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Old 01-23-2016, 12:10 AM
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No way in hell. Not happening for the obvious reasons and also because Richie has to learn a lesson, don’t treat your fans like shit or it’d be hell to win them back. I don’t even want the band to whip him in place (I vote Tico for that), it’s the fans the ones he has let down mainly.

After a while, I understood his reasoning as it was very similar to mine for some years. I even kinda accepted his half assed too-little-too-late apologies since I guess we’ll never know if he wasn’t allowed to talk during the tour or didn’t want to make things even worse. I moved on and wished him best until he opened his big mouth and spewed stupid shit after stupid shit DISRESPECTING THE FANS. The band and I also fell apart a few years ago, I didn’t feel the *magic* anymore and I stopped caring. The BIG difference is that I never badmouthed them, never felt the need to ridiculize either the band, the music, or the fans. It wasn’t right for me anymore for a myriad of reasons, mainly because the quality of the output declined over the years and nobody made an effort anymore (just like Richie felt basically, only he was also part of the problem), but that didn’t negate the rest of their work. And I’m a *band* fan. I might like Jon as an artist more than the others, but it’s the 5 of them who make it work and I never thought I should take sides. I imagine if a neutral fan like me is mighty pissed after almost 3 years, the ones that really took sides won’t be happy if they just sweep this shit under the rug and pretend that all the bitterness and shitting over the legacy that Richie did never happened and it was just a case of lost in translation and the heat of the moment. He ultimately told the fans that they were selling them crap albums, crap albums he didn’t have a problem in making and promoting, and never stood for his principles, only looked for his own interest. What a twat, sorry, I still feel he has no place in the band and IF he comes back, he has a lot of apologizing to do.

And besides I’ve read that Richie is working or wanting to work with the ghosts of the past, Rob Rock and Doc McGhee which to me sends the message (intentionally or not) that he’s the not one that broke with THE group of people that made it possible to reach the top with the best of their guns only to turn the once hugely commercial but with a hunger and a passion for reaching new artistic heights into the mediocre but profitable corporation they now are. Seems to say that he never wanted that change (If I recall he said something like not wanting to fire Doc, not sure about Bob Rock). I DO think they should work with different producers/managers, but the band as a whole, and it didn’t happen for whatever reason. Now Richie doing it seems retaliation. It’s probably just bad timing and I hope they help him, I absolutely wish nothing bad to Richie. I only think it’s too soon for anything with the band right now

Originally Posted by Rdkopper View Post
This is obviously just a hypothetical but it would still be cool if Richie & Orianthi opened for Bon Jovi to promote their new album and then Richie joins Bon Jovi after (with or without Phil)...

Richie could do a 45 minute set of solo material and then have a complete jam session with both him an Phil after with Bon Jovi. Talk about the ultimate Bon Jovi concert. Jon as an aged front man with butchered vocals could use all the help he could get.
Crazy, I had the exact same thought when I read the thread. This warrants a "Sure Jan" gif for both of us, only I'm too lazy to get one


Does a promise really break if nobody sees it fall?

Last edited by symbeline; 01-23-2016 at 12:14 AM..
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