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Old 04-26-2024, 04:21 AM
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Default Richie's new singles '24

Given how rare and surprising it is that he's finally released something, I think it deserves its own thread.

A new single I Pray is out, just two days after teasing us on Instagram.

Livin' Alone

Songs That Wrote My Life

According to this article, he's going to release three more singles over the next weeks. Livin’ Alone (May 3), Songs That Wrote My Life (May 10), and Believe (In Miracles) (May 17)

Well, after missing the Masked singer attention opportunity, it's good he's finally using the documentary publicity to promote his music. It's been time! It's just nice to hear him after some time.
"If you got a dream, no matter what anybody tells you, if you think that you’ve got to go for it, then you should go for it, because you’ve got one life. And the next time somebody tells you: ‘You can’t do that’ you can tell them to screw themselves, because it’s your life and you do what the hell you want with it. So this is a song about having a dream and chasing it, till you find the Bright Lights." - Aldo Nova.
Aldo Nova - Bright Lights

Last edited by Johny; 05-15-2024 at 12:35 AM..
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Old 04-26-2024, 04:28 AM
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Richie's new and unreleased music since 2018ish.

Livin' Alone (live 2021-09-20 Bush Hall, London)

Songs That Wrote My Life (snippet 2021)

Pain (snippet 2021)

Bag Of Nails (snippet 2021)

All That Glitters (snippet 2021)

We'll Get By (snippet 2021)

Songs That Wrote My Life with Tommy Lee (2019-04-0

before RSO
Lighthouse (live 2014-05-27 Pine Belt Arena Toms River, NJ)
"If you got a dream, no matter what anybody tells you, if you think that you’ve got to go for it, then you should go for it, because you’ve got one life. And the next time somebody tells you: ‘You can’t do that’ you can tell them to screw themselves, because it’s your life and you do what the hell you want with it. So this is a song about having a dream and chasing it, till you find the Bright Lights." - Aldo Nova.
Aldo Nova - Bright Lights

Last edited by Johny; 05-15-2024 at 12:36 AM..
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Old 04-26-2024, 04:43 AM
Dts broker 2014 Dts broker 2014 is offline
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Thank you for posting the link; I didn't have to wait until tomorrow. I've been waiting for years to hear something from him (aside from RSO), although I generally liked the song since he posted it on IG. Now that I have a full picture, I notice a trend towards saturation. Not only with Richie but also with Bon Jovi. Lately, producers seem to think that putting all the instruments at the same level is great, but in my opinion, it ends up being an exaggeration of compression. While the voice has chorus and other effects which, as mentioned, only give it a slightly less natural touch. Richie maintains his personal focus, without trying to prove anything (which is contradictory, as it's somewhat suspicious that everything happens, so to speak, in what we could call an ego competition, right?). It's always good to hear from someone who was one of the most important parts of the band we all admire and follow.
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Old 04-26-2024, 05:28 AM
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Too much effects don't you think?

Guess he's learning from the master Shanks
Keep The Faith!
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Old 04-26-2024, 09:46 AM
Marc871121 Marc871121 is offline
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IMHO this song called “I Pray” is one of the worst songs I’ve heard from the BJ world.
I was hoping for something much better from him and from Bob Rock and I still hope the other 3 will be much nicer.

The only truth is that he has to go back to BJ, period.
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Old 04-26-2024, 11:18 AM
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As I said in the other thread..

I really like it. I get the issues with production and vocal effects but the songs itself is upbeat and catchy as hell. I don't get the problems with the chorus, I think it's a really strong chrous. I agree that the talkbox solo is messy - Richie was always great at very melodic solos and this isn't one of them. Overall it's got me excited for more music from him, which is the exact opposite of what Legendary did, so I'm all for it. It's fresh, new and different sounding from Richie, where as the Jovi song was just retreading the same old ground we've heard time and time again..

I just hope that after the 4 songs we get details of a full album!?

It definitely seems that he is doing this without a label this time. Which is this day and age isn't an issue.

I notice that there has been no posts about it on his Facebook page so I presume that this means he has lost access. Hopefully his team can sort this, but it should have been sorted in advance of the release. A big part of his fan base will be Facebook users.
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Old 04-26-2024, 01:45 PM
Alphavictim Alphavictim is offline
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Good call on this getting its own thread.

It's not super duper awesome (Forever All The Way is easily the best thing he's done since 2012, this is not as good as that, but it's also better than, say, Sugar Daddy), but it's a fun little romp. I like the energy, parts of it are very catchy (the "it's called life..." bit is especially hooky, great start) - it's good!

If Richie were still in Bon Jovi, this would be a bit weird, since I think that band could do this kind of songs as well. His more bluesy or soulful stuff, that to me was always "solo Sambora". But considering the more straightforward things were always part of what he wrote and he can't pitch these to Jon anymore, well, it makes sense.
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Old 04-26-2024, 02:05 PM
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I don't like it. Wish I did, but I really don't enjoy it.
These days the stars seem out of reach
But these days there ain't a ladder on these streets
These days are fast, love don't last in this graceless age
Even innocence has caught the midnight train
And there ain't nobody left but us these days
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Old 04-26-2024, 02:11 PM
Elvistico Elvistico is offline
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I'm way more pleased with this song than with Legendary. The song is high energy, has a driving rhythm, the lyrics are real and the the chord progressions are cool too. The sound is a bit modernish and lacks a bit of organic feel but it's ok. Lots of vocal layers indeed but still ok. During my first listen, I heard the talkbox come in and I was thinking ... wouldn't it be cool if after this short talkbox solo, Richie would dive into a real solo with a lead guitar that cuts through the mix and takes the song to the next level. Unfortunately, that didn't come and so... the solo is really the weak point of the song. But, nevertheless: RS vs BJ in terms of released songs in 2024: Sambo wins.
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Old 04-26-2024, 02:19 PM
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Do we hear the same song....however after one listen i'm done. Nothing special
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