Originally Posted by Faceman
I don't know the article you are referring to, but to me it sounds like different true stories were used to make up a new one - based on facts but in a complete wrong timeline (maybe written by AI?).
Because actually Richie really bought Jon a guitar for his birthday. But that was years and years ago. I can't remember if it was during The Circle era or even way back during Lost Highway. But I've seen footage of Richie giving Jon an acoustic Martin guitar for his birthday. Might have been the Lost Highway Comcast episodes or maybe their 60 Minutes episode. But I have seen something like this.
Yes you're right, I remember that from years ago too.
I think this is the article I was referring to, although it was mentioned in several places following this
Bon Jovi also notes that he invited Sambora over to his home to watch three-fourths of the docuseries together, adding: "There’s never animosity."
However, a source tells PEOPLE that "Richie flew out to see Jon and brought him a birthday present — a really nice guitar — but they screened Jon's documentary instead. Richie left after the third episode because he was sick and tired of what he was seeing."
The source continues: "He didn't like the way he was being cast. He disagrees with how they framed his departure from the band and to him, the currency of happiness is more important than the currency of money."