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Old 09-23-2017, 01:03 AM
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Originally Posted by JackieBlue View Post
Music is very subjective and I respect your opinion; but I don't understand. If you're enjoying it, why does it need to be qualified as pop music or as a Richie release? I either like a song (enjoy it, hate it, whatever the reaction is) or I don't. If it happens to be pop, fine. Whether it's a Richie release or a Willie Nelson release or Metallica release, if I like it as a pop (country, blues, rock) song, why would I be on the fence about it, just based on who releases it? I don't get the need for distinction.

I think I've said before that, imo, people's expectations can set them up to immediately dislike something just because it isn't what they expected to hear from a particular artist. IIRC, that was part of the reason why a lot of fans didn't like AOTL, or thought it was "lame". Because of Richie's rep as the hard rocker in BJ as you said, when he said he wanted more freedom to express himself creatively, people assumed that meant he wanted to rock out. They were excited about it, especially if that was the element they felt had been lacking in BJ's more recent releases. Then when his self-expression had more of a pop sensibility, they felt let down because it wasn't what they wanted or thought it would be. So then it became, "He wanted freedom to do THAT?"

Well, yeah... apparently so. 😊

It baffles me why fans want to put artists in a box and slap a label on them before they can determine if they like what they do, or not. Maybe I misunderstood what you meant, or maybe it's just me, but I don't get it.
I get what you're saying, and I generally don't like labeling things between genres but to me when an artist goes left it's great, when they go left left left left into a genre that sounds current, like what's on the radio it feels like it's trying too hard to be current. To sound like you do for 30+ years, but with each release lose less and less of yourself, and go to this is what is throwing fans off.

There are things I like about this but for a lot of us we got into Richie for the soul. He'd pour his heart into lyrics, sing the crap out of them with passion and really smooth bluesy playing. If those are the reasons people got into him and that's his fanbase, that sound is completely gone. Which is okay for the fans who want him to fly freely and be who he wants and grow and experiment, but he's experimented himself right out of that world.

Your point about fans wanting to Rock out because that's what he's known for, that came from Richie too. Leading up to Aftermath he made it clear the Bon Jovi sound put him in a box and he didn't have much room to solo and experiment and have long rock jams. It stands to reason that if he had issues with that then when he was on his own he could cut loose, solo, have fun. It's expectations he projected and he wasn't wrong. AOTL is a much looser, jammier record and I love it.
Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
Don't make the mistake of thinking that even 1% of Bon Jovi fans are like you, because they aren't. Don't think you know how Bon Jovi fans think. You don't. You know yourself. Stick to that.
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Old 09-23-2017, 01:08 AM
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Originally Posted by JackieBlue View Post
As I said to the Captain, music is subjective so it's hard to say if it's good or bad.

I like all 5 songs, but I'm easy.

I especially like "Take Me". And I get a similar vibe from "Good Times" that I got from Burning Bridges and Backseat Driver the first time I heard them. It's kind of a good-natured FU.

If you're expecting a traditional Richie sound, you may be disappointed. The same may be true for some of Ori's fans. RSO said, early on, that they were exploring different genres. Plus, I'd think that it's obviously going to be a little different when you're collaborating with someone, especially for the first time; so it stands to reason that what they do together is going to be different from their solo stuff. JMO
Originally Posted by JackieBlue View Post
As I said to the Captain, music is subjective so it's hard to say if it's good or bad.
Here we go... 'Music Is Subject'...

So this is what Richie left Bon Jovi to do?

This is the same Eric Clapton fan that brought us Stranger?

The same guy named after a used car lot?

3 years in the making?

I think I'd rather listen to Jon sing These Days..

I think I'd rather watch Phil flip his hair in half circles during Rollercoaster...

Okay Honestly, it's not as horrible as I was expecting it to be at all... It's got some nice moments and catchy in certain areas... Love the production... (This is a low quality stream but I can tell that it's going to sound great)... I think it's got real potential... I actually like it... I'm listening as I type and I like it more and more with each listen...

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Old 09-23-2017, 01:16 AM
rolo_tomachi rolo_tomachi is offline
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Originally Posted by _KaMi_ View Post
Is it THAT bad? I didn't have the chance to hear it. Now I'm very curious...

No, it is not, but people like to push the things out at first listen. All the songs have a great feeling, yes, it is very commercial but there is also art and something of rock. It's the first EP, and I like what I've heard. Is awesome? I do not know, but I found it very new, a different direction than expected. I think is great.

People now seem to say that AOTL was fine, bla bla bla, but in their day, a lot of people said otherwise, and they wanted to hear more Blues from Stranger in this town.

5 songs I liked, and I was not very enthusiastic about the duets, but Bob Rock has mixed it well, I think at least works for me.

I hope they release more EPs in a month or two.
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Old 09-23-2017, 01:26 AM
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I figured it out... it's not bad but it's just not my thing... Good Times sounds like a Disney song by Miley Cyrus... if this wasn't Richie, would I listen to this and the answer is 'No'... With that said, it's not bad, just not my thing... And that's all I really have to say...

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Old 09-23-2017, 01:33 AM
JackieBlue JackieBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by Rdkopper View Post
I just got home and haven't listened yet but from the reviews I've read so far, 2 people like this... Jackie and Thinny (go figure)... when a post starts off with 'music is subjective' that's not a good thing... I don't need to read any further...

I'll have a listen myself and post the final verdict...

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You disagree that music is subjective???

Oh, that's right; I keep forgetting. You don't DO subjective. That would involve opinions and you only "power phrase" facts. I can hardly wait for THE final verdict - objectively speaking, of course - so we can know if ALL of us should like the songs or dislike them. Think of it as a public service; you can save everyone the trouble of even listening to the songs and, idk, deciding for themselves if they like them or not.

RDK, I love ya; but sometimes your arrogance just boggles the mind!

And btw, I don't know about Thinny, but unlike most of the people here, I personally liked all of WAN, all of Burning Bridges, and all of THINFS. I even liked all of DA, so go figure...
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Old 09-23-2017, 01:35 AM
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Originally Posted by JackieBlue View Post
You disagree that music is subjective???

Oh, that's right; I keep forgetting. You don't DO subjective. That would involve opinions and you only "power phrase" facts. I can hardly wait for THE final verdict - objectively speaking, of course - so we can know if ALL of us should like the songs or dislike them. Think of it as a public service; you can save everyone the trouble of even listening to the songs and, idk, deciding for themselves if they like them or not.

RDK, I love ya; but sometimes your arrogance just boggles the mind!

And btw, I don't know about Thinny, but unlike most of the people here, I personally liked all of WAN, all of Burning Bridges, and all of THINFS. I even liked all of DA, so go figure...
Keep reading my other posts too please... There is a light at the end of the tunnel... One Light Burning...

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Old 09-23-2017, 01:39 AM
rolo_tomachi rolo_tomachi is offline
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After listening to these songs, I can not wait for the next EPs, I suppose there will be more different styles. If they finally release 4 Eps with 5 songs for each release, they will be 20 songs, that would be fantastic, I want to hear all that sonic landscape that they have explored.

Take Me is Richie only on vocals and have a vibre of adele and chris cornell. I like it.

Last edited by rolo_tomachi; 09-23-2017 at 02:07 AM..
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Old 09-23-2017, 02:25 AM
rolo_tomachi rolo_tomachi is offline
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Originally Posted by Rdkopper View Post
I figured it out... it's not bad but it's just not my thing... Good Times sounds like a Disney song by Miley Cyrus... if this wasn't Richie, would I listen to this and the answer is 'No'... With that said, it's not bad, just not my thing... And that's all I really have to say...

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is your opinon. the song sound like 90s pop summer song, some arragements remember sweet home alabama but the feels as a hanson song. rare but is well and very enjoy. this one is better than Reunion.

other thing, iam sound like arvil lavigne song, i hate arvil lavigne but i like iam.

Last edited by rolo_tomachi; 09-23-2017 at 02:50 AM..
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Old 09-23-2017, 02:26 AM
JackieBlue JackieBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by Captain_jovi View Post
I get what you're saying, and I generally don't like labeling things between genres but to me when an artist goes left it's great, when they go left left left left into a genre that sounds current, like what's on the radio it feels like it's trying too hard to be current. To sound like you do for 30+ years, but with each release lose less and less of yourself, and go to this is what is throwing fans off.

There are things I like about this but for a lot of us we got into Richie for the soul. He'd pour his heart into lyrics, sing the crap out of them with passion and really smooth bluesy playing. If those are the reasons people got into him and that's his fanbase, that sound is completely gone. Which is okay for the fans who want him to fly freely and be who he wants and grow and experiment, but he's experimented himself right out of that world.

Your point about fans wanting to Rock out because that's what he's known for, that came from Richie too. Leading up to Aftermath he made it clear the Bon Jovi sound put him in a box and he didn't have much room to solo and experiment and have long rock jams. It stands to reason that if he had issues with that then when he was on his own he could cut loose, solo, have fun. It's expectations he projected and he wasn't wrong. AOTL is a much looser, jammier record and I love it.
Fair enough. Like I said, I wasn't disagreeing with you; just trying to wrap my head around "I like it" but "I'm on the fence".

Your example was exactly what I meant by saying some people's expectations were based on individual interpretations of what he said. Or maybe individual emphasis would be a better way to say it. Again, going from memory, it seems like the majority of criticism came from people who only remembered the "long rock jams" and, unlike you, they totally blew off the "experiment" part or the getting "outside the box" to do what he wanted to do - which wasn't necessarily just long rocking solos. It was also the piano-driven YCOGSH, and the harder outro in SYG, and the funky feel of Sugar Daddy. It just seemed to me that people remembered what was important to them and forgot - or ignored - a lot of the other things, and that may have led to some of their disappointment.

Not that it matters one way or another. There's no accounting for taste and people can like or dislike whatever they want for whatever reasons they have (despite what RDK says).

The world keeps on turning...
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Old 09-23-2017, 02:41 AM
JackieBlue JackieBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by Rdkopper View Post
Keep reading my other posts too please... There is a light at the end of the tunnel... One Light Burning...

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I did. After I got past my astonishment that someone would think that music is anything but subjective! The rest of it was just me giving you a hard time. I haven't had a chance to do that for a while; and, well, y'know...withdrawal and all...😉

Later, gators! I got lyrics to butcher...
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