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Old 08-12-2015, 05:59 PM
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News flash: Walleris is full of shit.
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Old 08-12-2015, 06:02 PM
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RICHIE SAMBORA ‏@TheRealSambora August 11

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Old 08-14-2015, 05:33 AM
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First time I can hear her version (except live)

Orianthi - "Every Road Leads Home To You" (Acoustic)

but I still prefer Richie's:
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Old 08-20-2015, 12:26 PM
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Aloha !

Originally Posted by Old Joysey View Post
RICHIE SAMBORA ‏@TheRealSambora August 11

I'm often wondering who's making stuff like that. Some dodgy filter over a photograph, some text on it and there you have it, another "deep" picture.

Salaam Aleikum,
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Old 08-21-2015, 01:08 PM
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Richie & Orianthi attended Al Schmitt's Hollywood Walk of Fame Star Ceremony in front of Capitol Records on August 13, 2015 (go to GettyImages for photos)

Today I had the honor of being invited to my dear friend and legend Al Smidtt get his Star on the walk of fame.

Here's a short Q&A with "Drop the gum, for crissake!" Orianthi then Richie about their new record, Al Schmitt and other projects:
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Old 08-22-2015, 11:56 AM
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man richie should be a bit more humble...for christ sake i cant stand the man the last couple years...
1."i m involved in many shit...i was close with bb king and his family" bb onvited richie which is undeniably an honour but kept calling him probably didnt knew 2 titles from richies song...richie payed his respect and went at the funeral but his all act looks pathetic imo, trying to be a HUGE blues player...richie was great in his prime, now he has lost focus and confidence in his skills and achievements...having jam a couple of times with clapton and buddy guy doent make u the next srv or sth...
2.he also stated sth like how different his solo project is in comparison to what he did with bj...he plays indie alternative rock music now????for gods sake...he is more poppy than ever , chases a hit to prove himself and kids once wrote wanted, blaze, these days, dry county and many more, these songs are once in a lifetime songs and he discards them trying to be perceived as a bluessman...
3.there is noone new around for me to play...joe bonamossa anyone???and a ton more other guys....)(richie invited him to play a guest solo in the new album as well..)
i know i sound obsessed in a way but is really sad to see a guy like richie who could play and sing his ass off act and behave like this...maybe i m getting old but after a while if your childhood idols dont mature along with you its so much harder to still ktf...
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Old 08-22-2015, 04:30 PM
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Originally Posted by nikos greece View Post
3.there is noone new around for me to play...joe bonamossa anyone???and a ton more other guys....)(richie invited him to play a guest solo in the new album as well..)
You're perfectly entitled to your opinion, you're free to hate him all you want but for crissake, please base your opinion on true facts! And you're the one talking about maturity?!

What Richie DID say: "There's a huge difference in art form between what I did with the band Bon Jovi and then, you know.... Buddy Guy and BB King ushered me into the blues business 'cause nobody knew I could play... and Eric Clapton also... so I'm gonna be involved with that." *

Richie's talking about the early 1990s, when he got to play with some of his blues idols for the first time and when he was working on his first solo album, the one with Clapton playing for him for free because he believed in him, remember?

Richie did play with Buddy Guy and BB King a couple of times and neither you or I don't know how close to these guys Richie is/was because we don't live or work with him/them 24/7, we only see media coverage which is not much. Likewise you have no idea how Richie is perceived in the music business, you/we only know Richie as, in his own words, "BJ's sidekick".

He likes to call himself a bluesman, so what? Ain't that news! He never called himself the next SRV or something... or did I miss something? Methinks if he's asked to participate in various blues events and documentaries it's because the music industry thinks he's relevant and/or he has a lot of good friends. Or do you think they invite him just because he was BJ guitarist i.e. a world famous musician and having big names in your docu bring more viewers? I don't think so.

In almost every interview he does beside Orianthi he always says she's a much better guitar player than him, ain't that being humble and aware of your skills?! Or do you think he praises her only because he doesn't want to sleep on the sofa?

He didn't mention any BJ songs, you did because you interpreted his words in a way that suited your opinion towards him, not in an objective way.
When he says,"There's a huge difference in art form between what I did with the band Bon Jovi and (my solo work)" he's referring to the approach, not to the song themselves. Look at the ET interview posted in another thread:
"The reason fans love Bon Jovi is they are remarkably consistent," Gale said. "They basically found a formula that worked and never really tried to go left or right from it."
Richie's trying to forget the formula and tackles different music genres and sounds on his last 2 albums (I mean "Every Road" and "The Richie & Orianthi Extravaganza" one). I for one appreciate the effort even though I don't like all the songs (no, idk the new album -save some bars from "Rise"- but I already know that I won't like much of it because I don't like Ori's voice. Sad but true). Yet I'll like their album because taking risks ranks higher in my book than, say, a 12 year-old formula of overproduced compressed loud sounds. And speaking about maturity (and credibility), I much prefer a 50+ songwriter who writes about his ups and downs than a 50+ songwriter who keeps on writing about "how to pick up a girl in 10 lessons" and "stand up, live your life, don't back down". But that's just me and that's because I'm a 50+ year-old father myself too.

Interestingly enough, Richie's been spending the last 15-18 months claiming he was working on "a new sound" (for his upcoming album) and in the most recent interviews/Q&A session Jon did he also announced "a new sound" for his upcoming albums. Hmmm... so we heard BB (meh!), now let's wait for the 2016 "real album"... produced by Shanks, as usual! D'OH!

What's wrong about wanting/trying to have a hit? Don't you think that Jon too "chases a hit to prove himself"? He too will never write another "wanted, blaze, these days, dry county and many more", he too is way past his prime and can't sing anymore and yet do you expect him to retire? I don't think so, so why should Richie? Both of them keep on doing what they've always been doing: music, but not together any longer, for better or for worse. Maybe the latter for Richie he needs to get hold of himself, no doubt! I understand he disappointed you (I'm on that road as well) but the difference between me and you is that I still ktf because I'm optimistic and know that depression doesn't last forever. Look at Jon: he said he was depressed in 2014 but now he's back. Richie just needs more time and support. Now that he gets to do what he likes best, at his own pace + he's in love like a teenager, he should be back in the rat race soon. And since he can count on the Van Zandts' support I have high hopes for him because Steve doesn't endorse losers!

*"that" is a documentary about BB King, Richie and other musicians have been asked to contribute to it, that's what he explained just before the part I transcripted above. And prior to this he also said he was executive producing a documentary about Robert Johnson.

He's also co-producing Brooklyn Allman's band's new album and played on and/or co-produced other upcoming artists' records, I forgot their names, check his + Ori's tweets/FB comments or this thread, I reposted some. One band is Desmond Child's new protégés, "something? De La Torre", that's all I can remember.

So yes, he's involved in a lot of shit these days, it's a true fact, just add 1+1.
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Old 08-22-2015, 05:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Old Joysey View Post
You're perfectly entitled to your opinion, you're free to hate him all you want but for crissake, please base your opinion on true facts! And you're the one talking about maturity?!

What Richie DID say: "There's a huge difference in art form between what I did with the band Bon Jovi and then, you know.... Buddy Guy and BB King ushered me into the blues business 'cause nobody knew I could play... and Eric Clapton also... so I'm gonna be involved with that." *

Richie's talking about the early 1990s, when he got to play with some of his blues idols for the first time and when he was working on his first solo album, the one with Clapton playing for him for free because he believed in him, remember?

Richie did play with Buddy Guy and BB King a couple of times and neither you or I don't know how close to these guys Richie is/was because we don't live or work with him/them 24/7, we only see media coverage which is not much. Likewise you have no idea how Richie is perceived in the music business, you/we only know Richie as, in his own words, "BJ's sidekick".

He likes to call himself a bluesman, so what? Ain't that news! He never called himself the next SRV or something... or did I miss something? Methinks if he's asked to participate in various blues events and documentaries it's because the music industry thinks he's relevant and/or he has a lot of good friends. Or do you think they invite him just because he was BJ guitarist i.e. a world famous musician and having big names in your docu bring more viewers? I don't think so.

In almost every interview he does beside Orianthi he always says she's a much better guitar player than him, ain't that being humble and aware of your skills?! Or do you think he praises her only because he doesn't want to sleep on the sofa?

He didn't mention any BJ songs, you did because you interpreted his words in a way that suited your opinion towards him, not in an objective way.
When he says,"There's a huge difference in art form between what I did with the band Bon Jovi and (my solo work)" he's referring to the approach, not to the song themselves. Look at the ET interview posted in another thread:
Richie's trying to forget the formula and tackles different music genres and sounds on his last 2 albums (I mean "Every Road" and "The Richie & Orianthi Extravaganza" one). I for one appreciate the effort even though I don't like all the songs (no, idk the new album -save some bars from "Rise"- but I already know that I won't like much of it because I don't like Ori's voice. Sad but true). Yet I'll like their album because taking risks ranks higher in my book than, say, a 12 year-old formula of overproduced compressed loud sounds. And speaking about maturity (and credibility), I much prefer a 50+ songwriter who writes about his ups and downs than a 50+ songwriter who keeps on writing about "how to pick up a girl in 10 lessons" and "stand up, live your life, don't back down". But that's just me and that's because I'm a 50+ year-old father myself too.

Interestingly enough, Richie's been spending the last 15-18 months claiming he was working on "a new sound" (for his upcoming album) and in the most recent interviews/Q&A session Jon did he also announced "a new sound" for his upcoming albums. Hmmm... so we heard BB (meh!), now let's wait for the 2016 "real album"... produced by Shanks, as usual! D'OH!

What's wrong about wanting/trying to have a hit? Don't you think that Jon too "chases a hit to prove himself"? He too will never write another "wanted, blaze, these days, dry county and many more", he too is way past his prime and can't sing anymore and yet do you expect him to retire? I don't think so, so why should Richie? Both of them keep on doing what they've always been doing: music, but not together any longer, for better or for worse. Maybe the latter for Richie he needs to get hold of himself, no doubt! I understand he disappointed you (I'm on that road as well) but the difference between me and you is that I still ktf because I'm optimistic and know that depression doesn't last forever. Look at Jon: he said he was depressed in 2014 but now he's back. Richie just needs more time and support. Now that he gets to do what he likes best, at his own pace + he's in love like a teenager, he should be back in the rat race soon. And since he can count on the Van Zandts' support I have high hopes for him because Steve doesn't endorse losers!

*"that" is a documentary about BB King, Richie and other musicians have been asked to contribute to it, that's what he explained just before the part I transcripted above. And prior to this he also said he was executive producing a documentary about Robert Johnson.

He's also co-producing Brooklyn Allman's band's new album and played on and/or co-produced other upcoming artists' records, I forgot their names, check his + Ori's tweets/FB comments or this thread, I reposted some. One band is Desmond Child's new protégés, "something? De La Torre", that's all I can remember.

So yes, he's involved in a lot of shit these days, it's a true fact, just add 1+1.

come on man i am stating some facts and you come evry other post trying to say that i am wrong and u are right in a not so kind way...
u were right about the new bluesmen, i misheard apart from that whats your point ? and why dont you just post your opinion instead of trying to belitlle mine by misinterpetating it(its probably not a word...)
-he said he was close to bb king and his family, thats not true he was close to les paul, he uses some of these names in order to be considered in these circles and that is pathetic...
-he is the executive producer...meaning he pays...richie has a lot of money but is desperate to be taken seriously. thinks his past with poppy bj is responsible for the lack of recognition and respect he thinks he should get but the truth is he sounds and looks to desperate and thats sth that puts people off...the slash fiasco for example...why richie sambora must try so hard to persuade slash to participate in his album???
-i never mentioned jon in my post comparing him to richie, and i found some of your comments irrelevant.
-i never said i hate richie, the guy was my hero its just heartbreaking to see guy like richie acting so washed up in lack of a better word.
-and for christ sake someone please tell richie that 18,5 months and 52 countries he uses every ****ing time is wrong...he made millions with bj, doing a job that most of us would "kill" for and acting like a spoilt child doesnt hold any was his right to leave, imo he did it in bad taste, its ok, i dont hate the guy, i d like to see him find himself i just express my feelings in bj forum even if i like the feedback and the interaction and i dont appreciate the hostility of certain answers.

ps. you want to tell me that richie since he left doent praise everything he did outside the band and avoids mentioning everything associated with bj??? he praises his live band...saying sth across the line they are the best he has played with in more than one ocassions...and we all heard how mediocre that band sounded...self marketing has its limits....
he said about his imediate chemistry with beautiful she plays and sings...i understand that richie sleeps with her but its like jon saying avril lavigne has the best female voice he ever heard in his life...ori is a decent guitar player and a mediocre singer at best, that the fact that looks pretty(in a way) makes her a better artist unforunately to certain circles...i dare anyone to post a great ori song...
he overstated about the jamming and how jon limited him...richie once could play now not so much...we ve seen almost every clip from the last couple years and the guy doesnt play like he used to.

ps2 the difference between u and me isnot optimism, u dont know shit about me u just read a post the way it suited u. the difference is i dont post after every post i disagree breaking balls,,,

Last edited by nikos greece; 08-22-2015 at 05:14 PM..
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Old 08-22-2015, 05:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Old Joysey View Post
... Both of them keep on doing what they've always been doing: music, but not together any longer, for better or for worse. Maybe the latter for Richie he needs to get hold of himself, no doubt! I understand he disappointed you (I'm on that road as well) but the difference between me and you is that I still ktf because I'm optimistic and know that depression doesn't last forever.
Thank you!!! I want to marry this entire post and have its babies!!

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Old 08-22-2015, 05:32 PM
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Originally Posted by JackieBlue View Post
Thank you!!! I want to marry this entire post and have its babies!!

If Lady Gaga can marry the night I guess you can marry a post.
I'm not sure about having babies though... What kind of litter would it be?
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