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Old 10-14-2005, 05:37 PM
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Originally Posted by david2k86
Correct me if I'm wrong but my immediate impression was that releasing singles helped promoted the album and if by the 3rd single, sales weren't doing do well, my natural instinct would be to release a 4th and even 5th single to help sell the record.

I thought at least thats how it used to work.

I know that the band were in their prime between 1992 and 1996 and hense released 6 of KTF and 5 of These Days but to cut down to just 3 is a bit crap don't you think?

At least we can still hope that as soon as Welcome (which I really like btw) and Who Says (which I don't really mind) are out the way and the record company push for a 4th single, we'll more than likely get a hard rock song released after. Although I don't dislike Wildflower in the slightest, I would REALLY not want it released as a single.
It's rather expensive to release singles, make videos and stuff like that.
Junkies & Whores

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