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Old 08-15-2016, 09:23 PM
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Not spoke half as much about the new single as I'd have liked too as I wanted to give it a good few listens before I make up my mind on it.

On first listen, I liked it. I thought it was very catchy and I also thought that it was the first single I expected. When I heard the song title, I was trying to imagine how it would go and the way Jon sings 'This House Is Not For Sale' is exactly what I imagined.

A few days on and about 20-30 listens on and I still like it. I certainly don't love it but I do really like it. The video has made me like it even more, I must admit. Jon in the video looks like he is happy to be back. He has probably got a huge weight lifted from his shoulders now after letting everything out (hopefully) on the new album.

Is it the first single that I wanted? Yes & no. Potentially, if it had/has enough promotion, it could do well in the charts (it won't but with promotion and all that, then it could have) and I think it would be something a lot of casuals would enjoy.

On the other hand, I proper wanted an aggressive song from Jon. It's great to see him looking happy and all that but I wanted him to be angry/passionate on the first single we hear for this album. I knew that was never going to happen, though.

Lyrically, is it a masterpiece? No. I don't think it is half as bad as people are making out, though. The only part I do cringe at is the 'no wrecking ball can knock it down' part. I cringed the first time I heard that and I still do today.

I was speaking to a guy on twitter today who visits this page and he made some good comments. He said that even though the lyrics aren't great, take some songs from the 80's and 90's (some of 'I'll Sleep When I'm Dead' was the song he mentioned in particular) and imagine the band released that now. Is it a great song? Definitely not. Is it a good song? Yes. Is it lyrically a great song? Not really. But imagine the band released that song now. They'd get slaughtered on here. Sure a fair amount of us would like it, but the times have changed and so has the bands sound.

Another point is how people say 'it's the same old' - Again, does that make it a bad song? No! Just because it sounds like a bunch of other songs merged into one doesn't make it a bad song. You take the song for how it sounds. It's catchy, it's fun and it could potentially be decent live. I agree that it isn't what a lot of us wanted, I really do but to say it's not a good song because of that does baffle me.

Look, we have probably another 11 songs to listen too in just over 12 months and I don't think that THINFS is how the rest of the album will sound, really. It's a good first single to release as it sounds good on the radio but I am really hoping we get a strong album!

Bon Jovi - Old Trafford - June 26th 2003
Bon Jovi - City Of Manchester Stadium - June 4th 2006
Bon Jovi - City Of Manchester Stadium - June 22nd 2008
Bon Jovi - Old Trafford Cricket Ground - June 24th 2011
Bon Jovi - City Of Manchester Stadium - June 8th 2013
Bon Jovi - Slane Castle - June 15th 2013
Bon Jovi - Hyde Park - July 5th 2013
Bon Jovi - London Palladium - October 10th 2016
Excuse me, has anyone got a bottle of orange juice?!

Not afraid of Burning Bridges, cause I know they're gonna light my way...