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Old 11-05-2016, 05:04 AM
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Larry Flick who was editor of Billboard for ten years is a correspondent for Entertainment Weekly network and has a show on Volume network. He was on Feedback this morning reviewing THINFS and was very complimentary of Jon and the album. He talked about smart Jon was, called him " numeric," citing that he understood things about how the Billboard charts worked that even he didn't understand as editor. He said that Jon doesn't put an album together as "a tasty stew" but "a perfect cake." As far as this album he said it was one you experience and it was like putting on your old jeans from high school and seeing that they still fit. He also said that this album shows that Bon Jovi is not about Richie Sambora. Bon Jovi is about Jon Bon Jovi. The two hosts were also complimentary and mentioned how in you face the guitar is in the single.
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Old 11-05-2016, 05:27 AM
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Just finished listening to the 18 song Target Edition for the first time. Kind of feels like a double album with all of the bonus songs, which is not a bad thing! My initial reaction is that it is better than WAN but not as good as the Circle. So far my favorites are Reunion, Come on Up to Our House, Living with the Ghost, and the title track has grown on me. It suffers from the same overproduction that the recent albums have, but at this point I'm used to it so I'm not going to complain about it. However, the guitar solo's in particular really faded in the noise and the guitar work overall isn't great. I definitely like it more than I thought I would though, even if I do still miss Richie's presence. Some interesting lyrics, from "My voice is shot, I'm going grey" to "Uber cars, yellow cabs thick as smoke".

Looking forward to seeing a show when I get the chance!
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Old 11-05-2016, 12:59 PM
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Okay here is my review of the new album.

I'm a little bit underwhelmed by the final album version, after hearing the songs live there is a lot more potential to the songs (This mostly due production & mixing). Don't misunderstand me I still think it is a good album and I still enjoy but I hear that they did not exploit the full potential of quite a few songs.
I don't really mind Shanks as a guitar player but I think it is time to at least hire someone who can challenge Jon & the rest of the band (probably not going to happen since Jon feels safe with John). But let's move on to the songs.

This House Is Not For Sale:
This is a standard Bon Jovi song these days, nothing really special and radio friendly. The I'm Coming Home part makes it stand out a bit more which I think is a excellent hook. I understand why it became the first single but musically it wouldn't be my first single choice. I think it's better than BWC and I don't mind listening to THINFS so this one I give a 6/10.

Living With The Ghost:
This is a great song in my opinion definitely one of the best of the album. I think the lyrics are really good on this one. There's nothing more to say for me 9/10

This song has a nice energy, maybe it could have had a little more aggression in Jon's voice. Lyrically not the best one but I still enjoy it. 6/10

Labor Of love:
This is one of the songs that doesn't really do anything for me at the moment but one I listen to from time to time. I think it is an okay-ish song. 6,5/10

Born Again Tomorrow:
Also one of my favorites of the album. But it doesn't mean it's perfect, I personally like the live version better. The album version could've been mixed better in my opinion. This one could've done really well if it was released as single. Phil did a good job on the solo. 8,5/10

Roller Coaster:
A nice catchy chorus, vocals on the album version are a bit to robotic. A song that could end up in my playlist. 7/10

New Year’s Day:
I like the idea and the story behind this song. This one of the songs where I prefer the live version a bit over the album version where it has more prominent guitars. 6,5/10

The Devil's In The Temple:
This one rocks and this song inspired me to write when I first heard it. But the keys could have been a bit louder. Also the guitars could have been heavier, which it is on the live version I think. If this was present it would have been a 10 out of 10 but I have to give it a 9/10, which is still great!

Scars On this Guitar:
This is a nice song and has lyrics I can relate to. I've nothing more to say on this one, it's nice. 7,5/10

God Bless This Mess:
Fills the gap nice between Scars and Reunion. It's an okay song, again a standard Jovi song these days. Like the lyrics though. 6.5/10

Much better then we first heard it. Props to the band and Shanks for making it better. Now I can actually listen to it. Lyrics are typical Jovi. 6,5/10

Come On Up To Our House:
Nice song to ''close'' the album. It got a Christmas vibe to it but I don't mind. 7/10

Now the bonus tracks

Real Love:
Another song that doesn't do anything for me at the moment. Personally I think the lyrics is a bit better than Blind Love so that I prefer Real Love so there for a 6/10

All Hail The King:
Nice rock vibe to it, not as much as Devil though. Like the soul, soul, soul part and a nice solo by Phil. Lyrics are good enough for me as a bonus track. 7/10

We Don't Run:
Prefer the BB version but this is a great song, I remember the first time I heard I was really surprised how it sounded in a good way. It stood the test of time for me so far. BB 9/10 - THNFS version 8.5/10

I Will Drive You Home:
A nice surprise and in my opinion the best bonus track of the album. I like the ending, it's different which makes it really interesting. Also really like the lyrics. 9/10

Goodnight New York:
Another okay song, not one I skip at the moment. 6/10

Color Me In:
Nice, slow and laid back in my opinion. It works well with I Will Drive You Home and Touch Of Grey. But glad it only is a bonus track. 7/10

Touch Of Grey:
A good song, although it could fit on a few albums post-2000. But since the album is not full of these songs I can really enjoy this one. Also I like the lyrics. 7,5/10

Without the bonus tracks: 7,2
With the bonus tracks: still 7,2 lol

Overall score of the album is a 8 I think.
Why? Well because I feel that this is an album which I didn’t have with WAN, which have a few songs I like and I skip the most. Now when I’m looking back at my scores for WAN I will defiantly rank some song different but at least the score of all song combined is lower which is a good thing in my mind, I have the feeling that THINFS will have more songs that will stay.

I also have the feeling that the album could have reached a score of 8,5 or even 9 (a 10 for me is really, really rare) when the mixes on some songs were better and if the overall production was better. For me the production in the Shanks-era falls flat and makes the songs almost sound that they are from the same album in my opinion, it’s too repetitive. I think their collaboration should have stopped after Lost Highway or The Circle, I don’t mind him co-writing once in a while. Producers like Shanks can only last for a certain amount of time and I think BJ and Shanks are well over that date. But enough about that.

I know it’s quite a long post (probably the longest one I’ve written lol) but this is my overall impression. Feel free to agree or disagree, no hard feelings from my side haha .
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Old 11-05-2016, 08:12 PM
rolo_tomachi rolo_tomachi is offline
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Originally Posted by VinceBJ View Post

I Will Drive You Home:
A nice surprise and in my opinion the best bonus track of the album. I like the ending, it's different which makes it really interesting. Also really like the lyrics. 9/10

I would also love those robotic voices at the end, some peoples complain about it, but I love it, makes it more interesting.
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Old 11-06-2016, 12:00 AM
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There goes my list in order of preference (and yes, rating doesn’t correspond to position in the list):
  1. Living With The Ghost - 10: It just means so much to me. I don’t care what the lyrics are about because from the first time I read them, I could feel the pain very vividly and relate to it. The song is pure perfection, I wouldn’t change a thing. From the second verse on is just… amazing. The bridge is one of the most perfect things they’ve ever done, Jon’s voice, the sense of urgency of the keyboards, the drums beating like a heart. I enjoy the guitars even though it’s a style I don’t usually like at all, but it really adds to the song.
  2. The Devil’s in The Temple - 10: Look what they’ve done to this house of love indeed. They kicked it when it was already lying bloodied on the ground. But they couldn’t knock it down, it’s still standing, beaten but proud. I admit that any song based around a guitar riff gets a thumbs up from me, but it’s not only the rockier edge I love. It’s the bittersweet feeling behind it. WDR and BB were the perfect FU defiance songs but there was also Teardrop which showed the hurt behind the bravado. I hoped it would get carried into the next album and here it is. This is a “go to hell” song but there’s also angst and despair.
  3. Rollercoaster - 8: Perfect pop song. Puts me in a great mood. To everybody who dismisses it as bubble pop and without judging anybody’s opinion, I’d say it’s very difficult to make a very good pop song without sounding like a generic copycat, it’s a genre overused beyond belief. I hope they keep the two writers who collaborated here on board because they nailed it.
  4. Scars - 9: It’s not a 10 for the obvious reason. I’ve never liked David’s voice and although he adds a lot live, he can’t harmonize with Jon. But it’s doesn’t dampen my experience. It’s one of the most solid songs they’ve ever done.
  5. I’ll Drive You Home - 9: Nothing to add to what’s already been said. Jon really loves his car metaphors lol. Ok, in all seriousness, perfect vocals, perfect build-up to a fantastic ending.
  6. All Hail The King - 8: Another one with a specific thread to discuss it, so I’m not going to bore anybody with my interpretation of the song. It was one of the highlights of the live shows and I’ve loved it since the first listen. The solo adds the perfect mood.
  7. God Bless This Mess - 8: The biggest surprise in the whole album. From the title I guessed right away how it was going to be and when it was discussed as the first single I feared the worst. But it’s one of the best and I absolutely love the vulnerability behind the defiant, take-no-prisoners, self deprecating lyrics. Maybe because I’m one of the few people who liked the WWWB documentary and I appreciate that Jon is unapologetic about who he is. Which doesn’t mean that I agree with his decisions, but I respect the attitude. It’s his mess and he’s to blame so he doesn’t expect our pity, but he also holds his head up. I can relate to that.The bridge is excellent. The vocals are very very good.
  8. Real Love - 7.5: Beautiful, very beautiful. The lyrics verge a little on the “u so poetic” side but they manage to keep the delicate balance. There’ve been many love ballads wasted on terribly pretentious/too ridiculous to be taken seriously lyrics since TD so I give them a high rating for the effort.
  9. Labor Of Love - 7.5: I have to admit I skip it sometimes because I need to be in the mood for it. The vocals in the verses are one of my favorites in the whole album and it’s an extremely sexy song without trying too hard.
  10. New Year’s Day - 6.5: On paper I shouldn’t like it. Lyrics are so-so. But the delivery sells it. There’s something that works, I can’t put my finger on it.
  11. Good Night NY - 7: I love the beep beep beep line, did you hear that haters? Hahaha. Just kidding, I can understand why so many people find it silly but it fits perfectly with the whole cute-clever-lyrics vibe that the song has going on.
  12. Color Me In - 6.5: I love the style. Jon absolutely nails the sexy soulful voice. I wouldn’t like it as a regular track, it’s clearly a solo song.
  13. Knockout - 5: When I heard it the first time my reaction was “bad lyrics but will grow on me”. Second listen I was totally into it. I always sing along. LOUD. Just like I love and need singing Bounce (its distant cousin) from the top of my lungs. Sometimes that’s all you need to enjoy a song.
  14. THINFS - 6: Musically it’s not my favorite, but the lyrics are strong.
  15. Born Again Tomorrow - 5.5: I finally decided to like it. If it was from another band I’ll certainly do. The lyrics are very decent and it’s catchy as hell. The vocals are surprisingly good for the type of song it is (after THINFS and Knockout I expected the worse).
  16. Come On Up To Our House - 6: Worst vocals on the whole album. But it feels sincere and it’s the perfect album closer. Still I’m not completely sold.
  17. Reunion - 4.5: The best I can say is that I don’t always skip it if I’m listening to the CD and I feel too lazy to grab the remote. Has some good lyrics but in general is too heavy handed and I just can’t identify. The lyrics on the second verse are a tad too patronizing. I can’t imagine being one of those students and not rolling my eyes. I sing I Will Wait over the chorus just to amuse myself. I wish it was a bonus track because as somebody pointed out, Jon will try to make this one a staple. Sigh
  18. Touch Of Grey - 4: Just no. I like the music quite a lot but the lyrics are the opposite of subtle.Thanks teacher Jon for the lesson, but I’ll pass. I kind of read this one as is his way of saying “I can see things from your perspective, don’t hate me for supporting X, we are all one big family”

Phew, that wasn’t as long as I feared.

I can’t remember more than 10 songs from LH, TC and WAN combined and I highly doubt I would rate any of the songs I like from those albums higher than a 7-7.5, so to say this is a huge improvement would be the understatement of the century. Is it the best in 20 years? Dunno, I need distance from the songs to let them soak and find their place. I know when I come back to them in a week, a month or a year I won’t change my mind, but it’s still too early to give a fair assessment, to declare this is their best post TD album. To me it is, absolutely and without a doubt, but I can also be objective and evaluate an album from different perspectives and find the right balance. I might not think HAND is a masterpiece (it’s not, it’s actually bordering on mediocre) but there are some songs in there that I enjoy more than anything in Crush or Bounce which are my only “quality” albums post TD. So as of now, I stand by my initial 8 rating. It can’t be a 10, I’ve rated most of the album 7.5 or lower, and I feel a 9 would be based on emotional attachment rather than objectivity. So 8 seems pretty fair, especially if you only consider the 12 regular tracks.

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Old 11-06-2016, 06:43 PM
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Here's a link to another positive, in-depth media review:

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Old 11-06-2016, 08:49 PM
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...and yet another quality take from a Madlands Metalheads reviewer named Kevin McDonald who certainly knows his Bon Jovi. Enjoy.
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Old 11-06-2016, 09:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Kukoc7 View Post
...and yet another quality take from a Madlands Metalheads reviewer named Kevin McDonald who certainly knows his Bon Jovi. Enjoy.
That may be the best review of the album I've seen yet. Not only in terms of the high rating, but also in the quality of the review. It's very well written - critical enough that it doesn't gush; but not bashing the band or their work. Kudos to the rsviewer!
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Old 11-06-2016, 09:59 PM
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Originally Posted by JackieBlue View Post
That may be the best review of the album I've seen yet. Not only in terms of the high rating, but also in the quality of the review. It's very well written - critical enough that it doesn't gush; but not bashing the band or their work. Kudos to the rsviewer!
I also appreciate that he is a hardcore metal fan giving this album props.
I'm intrigued by the upcoming Rolling Stone review. They seem to have given every Jovi album 3 stars for the last 25 years if not more. Maybe this time they will give the band its due.
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Old 11-06-2016, 10:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Kukoc7 View Post
I also appreciate that he is a hardcore metal fan giving this album props.
I'm intrigued by the upcoming Rolling Stone review. They seem to have given every Jovi album 3 stars for the last 25 years if not more. Maybe this time they will give the band its due.
Oh don't you worry, the RS review was written long before the album was released. They just needed one listen to fill in the gaps with the correct song titles....
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