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Old 02-27-2006, 05:46 PM
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Becky Becky is offline
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The version of Bells of Freedom that circulated before the CD was released had those cuts in it already. I'm glad they took out the verse about the soldier going to war because it will seem too dated in a few years.

Obviously, I like the duet with Keith better. It's the one I heard first, so I had to get used to the one with Jennifer. Jon and Keith's voices blend better together than even I thought they would, so I can appreciate the contrast between Jon and Jennifer's voices too. Besides the "voices are too similar" excuse is just a nice way of saying the record companies couldn't work it out. I like the music of the Keith version better. The banjo is there, but it accents the song rather than really changing the feel of it.

I like the lyrics in the original I Want to Be Loved better. They're more direct.

Complicated sucks no matter what version.
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