Originally Posted by Thinny
As I said before, it's really unusual for a label to continue to spend money on an album promo after the first week chart position these days. Unless you are selling millions and millions, there's just no point. The whole goal is to maximise first week sales, after that the label is done for 90% or artists. I find it hard to believe that the label were at all shocked by the album sales, or that they pulled any plans because of the sales. It probably sold about what they would have expected. It did ok. Job done as far as they are concerened...
This this this.
Yes the album sold poorly. Hey guess what, so did the last four or five when the ticket bundle wasn't rolled in. Forever did as good or as bad as it was ever going to do.
But even knowing what they know, to finance another (maybe two) music vidoes and talk about doing promo shows....to from that to zip, zero, silence other the occasional IG story or tweet about "hey what's your favourite song" feels amiss. Were there not more promo and video releases in the can, I'd have an easier time swallowing it all.
Maybe they thought by now they'd be on tour or doing shows to promote it or putting out new promo made sense and it went tits up when Jons voice wasn't doing what they hoped? They gotta be realistic enough to know this thing was never going to sell well.