Thread: 10 Years!
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Old 08-10-2012, 11:21 PM
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Originally Posted by DevilsSon View Post
Can't believe I am the 'oldest' around here
I think the webcast was middle of September. God, I remember thinking 'What the hell is Shepherd Bush Empire. What place has such a name?' and now I see gigs there regularly.

It's funny, just to think back what happened in this time:

- have seen 10 Bon Jovi concerts
- graduated from high school, from undergrad, and did a masters degree
- moved between 8 cities (I think!), in 5 countries, on 3 continents
- started and ended 5 relationships
- moved from wearing ripped jeans and leather to shirts and ties
...what ****in' not actually. It feels like an entire lifetime.

Maybe this quote makes some sense somewhere:
"‎Bon Jovi's music stopped speaking to me sometime in the 90's. Truth be told, though, maybe we just grew apart. Like the girls used to say: ''It's not you. It's me.'' I eventually gave up on the desperate throes of youthful passion and graduated to different, if not altogether more satisfying, music. Bon Jovi was the soundtrack of high school, Chunky chicken soup for the sophomore soul. It spoke to the rock stars we had planned to become rather than the accountants or programmers or baristas we became."

Yup, maybe that's the explanation for so much bitching at Bon Jovi We're just growing old!
Tell me about it man, 10 years ago I'd never seen Bon Jovi, or any gig at all for that matter! I'd never been in a relationship, never been drunk, never had a job (other than a paper round), never lived by myself and was just generally such a different person to what I am now. Now I've seen Bon Jovi 9 times and seen countless other bands too, am engaged, have been drunk a million times, have had a number of jobs and lived with friends and my girlfriend ... and it's pretty bizarre to think that Jovitalk has been one of the only constants through all that!

Sometimes you can just lay down
You can play the game
You can take the cards that they deal ya
And you can just pretend it's all over
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