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Old 01-02-2015, 05:13 AM
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AS this thread closes in on its first anniversary, all I can say is "thanks for giving a shit -- 14,000 times!"

With Christie's presidential outlook looking increasingly murkier, and the series of federal level investigations hanging over him like the proverbial Monty Python 16 ton weight, what will 2015 hold for Governor Soprano? Well, it's not off to a good start:
Quote: New Jersey’s pension division overstepped its authority when it raised state retirees’ prescription copays, the state appellate court ruled...

A sweeping pension reform package in 2011 shifted authority over state health benefits plans to a 12-person State Health Benefits Plan Design Committee, with equal representation between union and Gov. Chris Christie appointees, from a five-person State Health Benefits Commission, where the administration had a membership advantage...

The new design committee deadlocked over retiree prescription drug copays, forcing it to turn to a “super-conciliator” process for breaking impasses. In the meantime, the State Health Benefits Commission voted to approve revised premium rates...and the Division of Pensions and Benefits made the change, effective Jan. 31, 2013. (T)he administration claimed where the design committee fails to act, “existing statutes, rules, regulations, policies and procedures of the State Health Benefits Program continue into effect,” according to the suit.

...(T)he court disagreed with the administration, saying the law “unmistakably gave (State Health Benefits Plan Design Committee) the authority to set, among other things, retiree prescription copayment levels...(U)ntil the impasse is broken...the (State Health Benefits Commission) acted without authority when it unilaterally decided to increase retiree copayments.”
Exceeding authority, ignoring balances of power, acting unilaterally -- how presidential can you get? This is a perfect example of why it's impossible to believe he knew nothing of Bridge(t)-Gate -- when it comes to political power, he loves having his cake and eating it, too (a metaphor, not a weight joke!).

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 08-31-2015 at 04:58 PM..
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Old 01-08-2015, 05:33 AM
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Break out your hankies and a copy of Blood On Blood: here comes a tear-jerking story about friendship Christie style -- and I DO mean "jerking."

Here's Christie with his old pal David Samson, the guy who resigned the chairmanship of the Port Authority purely out of unselfishness. He was so loyal to Christie he refused to take a salary for the job, scraping by on what he could earn from a law firm he owns that has clients who do business with the Port Authority!

Well, would you believe that those meanies in the New Jersey legislature had the unmitigated gall to question their relationship anyhow? But Samson didn't take it lying down -- on December 9, he filed a lawsuit claiming that New Jersey officials weren't qualified to investigate him because the Port Authority is a bi-state agency under federal jurisdiction. But he withdrew the lawsuit two weeks later. Why? For the answer, we might have to look at one of Christie's other good friends, New York Mayor Andew Cuomo:

MSNBC: Thumbing their noses at their state legislatures, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo jointly vetoed a bipartisan bill on Saturday to overhaul the Port Authority, which is trying to move past a series of scandals tied to lane closures at the George Washington Bridge last year...

Both state legislatures unanimously approved bipartisan legislation, which would have created a new top executive position and required commissioners to take a pledge of fiduciary responsibility to avoid any appearance of political gamesmanship...

Christie, a Republican, and Cuomo, a Democrat, offered up a long list of reforms they supported, including a new chief ethics officer position...They said they would ask for all Port Authority board members to offer their resignation.

“While neither Governor is approving the legislation as passed, they are urging their respective Legislatures and the Port Authority to work with them to implement the broad reforms package recommended by the Special Panel, recommendations which will mark a new beginning and form a basis for meaningful reform for decades to follow,” the statement read.
That's what the state officials get for interfering in federal business. And you certainly can't blame Cuomo for taking Christie's side, especially since Cuomo has been accused getting a call from Christie about his subordinate Patrick Foye asking too many questions about the bridge closing: gun, meet smoke. Aside from that, the solution to cleaning up the Port Authority is so simple -- they get to fire everyone they hired, and then hire a whole new batch of people!

And through it all, Christie's love for Samson shines through like a diamond. All together now:
Blood on blood, one on one
We'd still be standing when all was said and done
Blood on blood, one on one
And I'll be here for you 'til Kingdom come...


Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 02-07-2015 at 06:59 AM..
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Old 01-10-2015, 05:20 AM
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In case you didn't know, Christie is an American football fanatic. His favorite team? Not the New York Giants or New York Jets -- I mean, those teams PLAY in East Rutherford, New Jersey, but just because they feed the state's economy is no reason to support them. No, it turns out that though he did his civic duty when the Giants won the Super Bowl in 2012, Christie's true NFL loyalties run about 1500 miles southwest of East Rutherford:
Washington Post: The return of the Dallas Cowboys to a position of national relevance rather than ridicule means that, suddenly, a lot of lifelong Cowboys fans can proudly re-assert their fandom, even if it puts them in an uncomfortable spot...It’s a tricky proposition for an athlete or star, but imagine how difficult it is for a politician...

Christie...has been a Cowboys fan since the days of Roger Staubach...His dad is a Giants fan...(Last) Sunday night, (Christie) was right there in the owner’s box...hugging it up with (Cowboys owner Jerry) Jones...
In return, Jerry has shown Christie nothing less than the best of "down home hospitality":
Quote: Gov. Chris Christie’s trip to an NFL game to root for the Dallas Cowboys was paid for by the team’s owner, Jerry Jones...“Governor Christie attended the game last night as a guest of Jerry Jones, who provided both the ticket and transportation at no expense to New Jersey taxpayers,” Christie spokesman Kevin Roberts said...

Jones paid for...Christie, his wife and their four children...including footing the bill for the private jet that shuttled the Christies to Sunday night’s game...As is always the case, New Jersey taxpayers paid for the governor's security detail provided by the New Jersey State Police.

Jones also invited Christie to a Cowboys game in Dallas on Dec. 21. However, Jones didn’t pay for the air travel since Christie and his family were already traveling in Texas...
But in case you're getting any bright ideas about this being improper in any way, you've lost this round:
The governor's office cited The Code of Conduct for the Governor...which says the governor “may accept gifts, favors, services, gratuities, meals, lodging or travel expenses from relatives or personal friends that are paid for with personal funds.”
So nyah nyah and move along, kids, there's nothing to see here...
IB Times: Less than two years before Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones paid for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s tickets and travel to NFL games, government documents show Christie personally pushed the Port Authority to approve a lucrative contract for a firm part-owned by Jones...

On March 19, 2013, Christie and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued a press release announcing their selection of Legends Hospitality LLC to operate the observation deck on the top floor of One World Trade Center. The next day, the Port Authority board -- which is appointed by Christie and Cuomo -- specifically cited the governors’ announcement in voting to approve the contract for the company, which is jointly owned by the Dallas Cowboys, New York Yankees and Checketts Partners Investment Fund...

New Jersey ethics rules bar(s) gifts to public officials from persons or entities that those officials “deal with, contact, or regulate in the course of official business...”


Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 02-07-2015 at 07:01 AM..
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Old 01-17-2015, 12:05 AM
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Default Jerry Jones-Gate Update

We last left our hero appearing to have confessed to violating state ethics laws by accepting gifts from Dallas Cowboys football team owner Jerry Jones, who also just happens to own part of a company that is not only doing business with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, but got the business with Christie's help. However, our cat on a hot tin roof has yet again landed on his feet:

Quote: Gov. Chris Christie...sought to set the record straight on his relationship with Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones...

The timing of the men's relationship became relevant after it was reported that Christie had accepted tens of thousands of dollars in private jet travel from Jones to fly himself and his entire family to attend a Dallas game last week, (after) a firm co-owned by Jones...had been awarded a lucrative Port Authority contract...

“Jerry Jones and I first met in September of 2013,” Christie said on his monthly radio call-in show on New Jersey 101.5. He added that by his recollection, he only first spoke to Jones on the phone in the summer of 2013...

However, in an interview with Steve Adubato on PBS in late December, Christie was far less specific, telling his interviewer, "...He allows me to call him ‘Jerry’. I don’t call him ‘Mr. Jones’ ...And I’ve become friends with Jerry over the last five years.”

But on the radio show, Christie was adamant that he not only wasn’t friends with Jones at the time of the contract being awarded, but that he didn’t even know Jones...

“When he got the contract at the Port Authority, I didn’t know him...Second, I didn’t even know who has the concession at the Port Authority. Third, if I had known the name of the company, I wouldn’t have even known that Jerry Jones had anything to do with the company...

“...I had no relationship with him. Nor did I have any influence or knowledge of who was going to run the concessions at World Trade Center 1, nor quite frankly, do I care. That was a New York issue. That’s a building in New York. I don’t deal with those issues...”
Well, that makes perfect sense, and here's a pair of official state government press releases to back it up:
Quote: (March 19, 2013) Governor Andrew Cuomo and Governor Chris Christie today announced the selection of nationally renowned Legends Hospitality, LLC (Legends) to develop and operate the observation deck at the top of One World Trade Center...The governors are calling on the Port Authority Board of Commissioners to approve the agreement when the matter goes before the Board at its monthly meeting tomorrow... (March 20, 2013) The Board’s vote followed yesterday’s call from Governors Cuomo and Christie to endorse the award of a contract to Legends to bring a world-class observation deck to what will be the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere when it reaches its final height of 1776 feet.

The selection of Legends follows a rigorous competition that resulted in six proposals from nationally known companies. The Port Authority and Durst narrowed the list to three finalists in September 2012...
Oh, the deal was sealed in March -- that clarifies everything! After all, not meeting with or knowing people personally makes it impossible to have any other kind of relationship with them: it isn't as though there are such things as telephones, electronic correspondence, mail, or online conferencing.

What must have happened is that not wanting to unduly (and possibly unethically) influence Christie (who had no business influencing the Port Authority commission anyway), Jones said nothing of his bidding for the PA contract when they first spoke during the summer of 2013. And note that it's Christie who mentions not knowing who'd be in charge of the specific "concessions" as opposed to knowing who would be in charge of the project's general "development and operation" -- surely that wasn't a mere slip of the tongue.

Meanwhile, some rouge Christie or Cuomo underling wrote press releases that should have made more of a distinction between "calling" on a telephone and a "call" to action (after all, why have a commission if the governors have the power to tell them how to vote? No wonder the governors are considering dismissing their board of directors).

Of course, that works if you believe what Christie told the radio show as opposed to what he told PBS about knowing Christie for five years. If you don't, then shame on you for effectively calling him a liar!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 02-03-2015 at 04:36 AM..
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Old 02-03-2015, 08:51 AM
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Despite being good enough friends with New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft to help dump ice water over Jon's head, Christie didn't get an invitation from him to attend this year's Super Bowl -- he spent the weekend in England instead. The questions about his relationship with Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones did not dissolve with the Cowboys championship hopes, however -- quite the opposite!

According to Christie himself:
“Jerry Jones and I first met in September of 2013,” Christie said...The men connected only after a mutual friend called him to say that Jones understood Christie was a fan of the Cowboys, and wanted his cell phone number. Christie gave his friend the number, and shortly after Jones called.

“We were at the beach house one weekend, and I got a call from Jerry Jones...(who said), ‘Listen, I can’t believe you’ve been a Cowboys fan all these years, I’m a big supporter of yours, I’m thrilled you’re a Cowboys fan, and I hope we get to meet sometime.’ And I said, ‘Well, actually, I’m going to be coming to Dallas in September, to raise money for the Republican National Committee.'"

...Jones then invited him to attend a game the weekend he was in town, and Christie accepted an invitation to attend the Sept. 8, 2013 home game between the Dallas Cowboys and the New York Giants at AT&T Stadium...
Jones' company won the World Trade Center Freedom Tower bid in March of 2013, and was one of the finalists as of the previous November, with the bidding process beginning months before that. So no matter when their relationship began, anything Christie received from Jones after filing the World Trade Center Freedom Tower bid was unethical because Jones was trying to do business with a New Jersey agency, and anything Christie received after March 2013 was flat out illegal because Jones was by then a full-fledged state contractor. But I wonder if that mutual friend would be willing to verify Christie's story?

Quote: Gov. Chris Christie's much discussed friendship with Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones began with none other than Jon Bon Jovi. WNYC has confirmed that the Jersey-born rocker was the first to connect the two...
That's right -- it's our very own Jon, whom Jones has said would make a fantastic NFL team owner! Well, you HAD to know that he was going to get dragged into this eventually, didn't you? But what should Jon do -- ignore the story and hope that it doesn't get picked up by other media outlets? Deny the story even if it's true, and keep his hands clean? Or confirm the story and nail both Jones and Christie on an ethics violation?

Fortunately, the Jones camp has finally stepped forward to clear things up once and for all. According to a spokesman:
“Their friendship began in the summer of 2013. Whether they first met or spoke in 2010 or 2011 in a passing way, I can’t account for that,” said Kevin Roberts...
And from Jerry Jones himself:
“...It was almost circumstantial that we have any sort of business together with our activity up there at the Freedom Tower in New York. I wasn’t a part of that presentation and didn’t know him when we actually were in a really tough competition with a lot of great companies...Candidly, this is the first time the subject has come up relative to our relationship...”
Right you are, Jerry, and here's a case in point: Christie has proposed closing the 19,000-seat Meadowlands Arena and moving its events to the 18,000-seat Prudential Center. And who co-owns the company that helps run Prudential Center? Take a wild guess!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 02-03-2015 at 08:18 PM..
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Old 02-07-2015, 06:54 AM
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The reviews are in about Christie's Super Bowl weekend in England:

Billed as a trade mission, the three-day trip to Great Britain... quickly devolved into a(n) imbroglio...dominating headlines and forcing him to retreat from the media...

The timing of the trip...coincided with 2012 GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney's announcement...that he would not seek his party's nomination again..."(T)he (Jeb) Bush people were calling all the former Romney supporters to get them on board," said...the director (of the) Monmouth University Polling Institute...(The) "five-hour time zone difference"...caught Christie somewhat flatfooted...
...(A) measles outbreak traced to California's Disneyland theme park (has) spread to more than 100 people..."I understand that there are families that, in some cases, are concerned about the effect of vaccinations," (US President) Obama said during a recent NBC interview. "The science is, you know, pretty indisputable. You should get your kids vaccinated."

But Christie, a likely 2016 presidential candidate, said today "not every vaccine is created equal" and that "there has to be balance and it depends on what the vaccine is and what the disease is, and the rest."

..."To be clear," Christie spokesman Kevin Roberts wrote in an email, "the governor believes vaccines are an important public health protection and with a disease like measles there is no question kids should be vaccinated." Roberts went on to say Christie was calling for "a balance" because "different states require different degrees of vaccination."
...Christie...revealed a lack of control when he snarled at a...reporter who pressed him on the West's response to ISIS, "Is there something you don't understand about 'No questions'?"

One former GOP presidential campaign manager...said that overall...(Christie) "showed that he's not ready for prime time...Taking a foreign trip...takes thoughtful planning. Getting in fights with reporters is not a good start. Making international news accidentally is not a good rule."

...Douglas Brinkley, a presidential historian...said, "...(H)e came across like a bull carrying his own china shop with him."
Sorry about that, England -- first Romney says you didn't have what it takes to keep the 2012 Olympics secure, now this...

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 02-07-2015 at 06:50 PM..
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Old 02-10-2015, 08:53 AM
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Chrsitie's aerial adventures aren't quite over. During his Super Bowl weekend in London, this appeared in the New York Times:
As Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey waited to depart on a trade mission to Israel in 2012, his entourage was delayed by...Mr. Christie’s father...but...there was no rush. The private plane, on which Mr. Christie had his own bedroom, had been lent by Sheldon G. Adelson, the billionaire casino owner and supporter of Israel. At the time, he was opposing legislation then before the governor to legalize online gambling in New Jersey...

King Abdullah of Jordan picked up the tab for a Christie family weekend at the end of the trip. The governor and two staff members who accompanied him came back to New Jersey bubbling that they had celebrated with Bono, the lead singer of U2, at three parties, two at the king’s residence, the other a champagne reception in the desert...

...A spokeswoman for Mr. Christie...described King Abdullah as “a friend” the governor met at a salon-style dinner in New York hosted by Michael R. Bloomberg, who was the mayor at the time. “King Abdullah invited the governor and his family to Jordan as his personal guest so the two families could spend time together,” she said...(She) also said Mr. Adelson had not been personally lobbying the governor against the online gambling bill.
Taking your whole family overseas to visit someone whom you've only had dinner with? That was risky -- they could have be drugged and sold into white slavery!

Early in his tenure, Mr. Christie set up a group to entice foreign businesses to New Jersey. That group, Choose N.J., is financed by companies that are donate to the governor because they have business before the state...Groups like Choose N.J. and the Republican Jewish Coalition, which also contributed to the Israel trip, do not have to disclose their expenses...

An executive order Mr. Christie signed in 2010 allows New Jersey governors to have travel and related expenses paid by foreign governments; it does not specifically address gifts such as the parties the king held for him, but the governor’s staff said it was covered under a provision that allowed gifts from personal friends...

He has fought to shield the cost of his travel. The Super Bowl expenses were revealed only after a judge’s order in a lawsuit brought by...a newspaper in northern New Jersey. In response to other lawsuits and public records requests, the governor’s office has argued that he is not subject to disclosure laws regarding travel, or that it does not have the records.
See? All nice and legal. Unethical and sleazy, but nice and legal.

...(W)hen he led the Republican Governors Association, Mr. Christie’s first-class tastes have become well known. He made it clear when he campaigned for (Mitt) Romney in 2012 that he would do out-of-state events only if he was given a private plane, even...when the candidate’s wife was still flying commercial to save money. The Romney campaign came to understand that he preferred a Cessna Citation X, which, its manufacturer boasts, has exotic wood interiors and a Rolls-Royce engine...

Price: Roughly $5M US. Keep Christie's size in mind, and consider that perhaps he prefers private jets because they have more seat and leg room. And now for the bad news:
Letting the king pay for his three-day weekend in Jordan...would not have been allowed if Mr. Christie were, say, president or a United States senator; it is illegal for federal employees to accept gifts of more than nominal value from agents of foreign governments...
That's right, Governor Soprano -- you become President Soprano, and all the luxury first class travel at other people's expense that you don't have to account for goes bye-bye: are you SURE you want to give it all up? As for you, Bono, you don't seem to be Christie's type any more than Bruce does!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 11-07-2015 at 06:12 PM..
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Old 02-10-2015, 02:51 PM
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Originally Posted by rocknation View Post
AS this thread closes in on its first anniversary, all I can do is say "thanks for giving a shit" -- 14,000 times!
You're welcome! I don't live in NJ so I don't feel legitimate to make comments but I find this guy very funny (or interesting?), please keep posting! I first heard about him through his Bruce (ghost) connection of course, especially when Bruce and Fallon sang about this tunnel thingy that had Bruce so desperately needing to take a leak!

Here's a recap list of his "friends" in case you'd missed it
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Old 02-10-2015, 06:38 PM
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Originally Posted by rocknation View Post

That's what the state officials get for interfering in federal business. And you certainly can't blame Cuomo for taking Christie's side, especially since Cuomo has been accused getting a call from Christie about his subordinate Patrick Foye asking too many questions about the bridge closing: gun, meet smoke. Aside from that, the solution to cleaning up the Port Authority is so simple -- they get to fire everyone they hired, and then hire a whole new batch of people!
Of course you know that I am a Jersey resident - and this sums up so much of what is going on at the Port Authority right now. I can't say too much but it has become such a farce. Except of course that it's not funny

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Old 02-10-2015, 10:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Old Joysey View Post
Here's a recap list of (Chrisite's) "friends" in case you'd missed it
I did miss this. Thanks so much for posting and contributing and ... uh-oh.
JON BON JOVI, ROCK STAR: The Jersey rocker known for liking Democrats became friendly with Christie after Bon Jovi's daughter nearly died from a drug overdose. When Christie signed a Good Samaritan bill providing legal protection to those who call 911 for drug overdoses, Bon Jovi came to the bill signing. He later gave $1 million to the Sandy Relief Fund started by Christie's wife and toured his Sandy-ravaged hometown, Sayreville, with the governor. They warmly embraced when they saw each other that day.

Now, I know that Stephanie's OD happened in New York, not New Jersey, and that she wasn't criminally charged because New York has had a Good Samaritan OD law since 2011. But there's the potential for a problem here, depending on exactly how much "later" Jon made his Sandy Relief Fund donation.
Quote: (May 02, 2013): Taking the advice of his friend Jon Bon Jovi and moved by a barrage of letters from grieving families, Gov. Chris Christie signed a bill today that gives people immunity from arrest if they call 911 to report an overdose, even if they also had used drugs at the time...Christie was joined by Bon Jovi and surrounded by more than two dozen teary-eyed but beaming parents and other relatives...

Bon Jovi made no public mention of the experience he had shared with many parents in the room...Speaking softly, the Jersey rocker thanked the governor and Legislature..."Today is a great day...I hope the governor’s actions will cause other states to step up and follow in his footsteps."

Introducing Bon Jovi as "a New Jersey son," Christie said...with a smile that he had changed his mind for "maybe the first time, in public." Christie (had) vetoed the bill...(b)ut he said he knew he had to rethink his position after talking with Bon Jovi, "who played a role in my understanding of this bill," and reading...letters from grieving parents...
Sandy Relief, (July 8, 2013): New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, rock legend Jon Bon Jovi and First Lady Mary Pat Christie announced a $1 million dollar donation from Bon Jovi to the Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief Fund, chaired by Mrs. Christie...

The Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation, a nonprofit organization founded to combat issues that force families and individuals into economic despair, is active in the ongoing Hurricane Sandy recovery process working with federal, state and local officials to direct donations and resources to local recovery efforts and those in need. This...donation by Bon Jovi to the Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief Fund represents the band's ongoing commitment to the people of their home state and to rebuilding a stronger New Jersey together.
There is DEFINITELY the potential for a problem here.

Christie vetoed the New Jersey OD bill in mid-October of 2012. Sandy hit in late October. The Sandy Relief Fund came into being in early November. Stephanie's OD was in mid-November. Jon "plays a role" in changing Christie's mind about an OD bill by the following May. Then Jon, who had a twelve-year-old New Jersey charity apparatus of his own, donated a million to Christie's wife's charity in July? The problem is that federal prosecutors might DECIDE it's a problem -- that is, they might wonder if Jon's donation actually "represents" payment for Christie's "changing his mind" about the OD bill!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 11-07-2015 at 06:15 PM..
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