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Old 09-02-2015, 04:25 PM
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Christie says Springsteen no longer a friend

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Old 09-02-2015, 05:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Old Joysey View Post
BooHoo - anything to "distance" himself and get more votes. It won't matter in the end. He has no chance and he shouldn't be selling a lifetime of love so cheaply. But hey - that's him to the bone.

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Last edited by Kathleen; 09-02-2015 at 06:35 PM..
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Old 09-02-2015, 06:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Old Joysey View Post
SHOCKING NEWS! Christie says Springsteen no longer a friend
Christie has flip-flopped on Bruce? Hopefully, only Bruce's feelings were hurt...

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Last edited by rocknation; 09-02-2015 at 06:14 PM..
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Old 09-02-2015, 10:59 PM
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I don't know why Christie is even still in the race. He's got no shot.
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Old 09-03-2015, 02:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Becky View Post
I don't know why Christie is even still in the race. He's got no shot.
Christie was supposed to be the loudmouth who "tells it like it is". That has turned out to be Donald Trump. So there really isn't a place for him - I think he should come home and clean up some of the messes he has left New Jersey in.

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Old 09-03-2015, 07:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Kathleen View Post
Christie was supposed to be the loudmouth who "tells it like it is". That has turned out to be Donald Trump. So there really isn't a place for him - I think he should come home and clean up some of the messes he has left New Jersey in.
Yeah, he's got a lot of messes to clean up...

And, of course, neither Trump nor Christie "tell it like it is," but like they need you to believe it is with no questions or backtalk -- which is precisely WHY they "tell it" so loudly.

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Old 09-09-2015, 11:53 PM
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Default Christie is in a flat-footed tie for tenth place

in the Republican presidential polling race. How can he push Ron Paul into undisputed possession of eleventh place, which would give Christie the bottom rung on national debate ladder? Shift the "Duplicate Duh Donald" strategy into overdrive!

Quote: ...Gov. Christie on Sunday called Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton "a disgrace" for comments she made about Republicans...

During a campaign stop...Hillary Clinton...(said) "Extreme views about women? We expect that from some of the terrorist groups. We expect that from people who don’t want to live in the modern world...But it’s a little hard to take coming from Republicans who want to be the president of the United States."

Christie responded to her comments on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace: "Well, there's a uniter, isn't it? Comparing Republicans to terrorist groups..."That's a disgrace, and she's a disgrace...for comparing Republicans to terrorist groups. Don't let her go on that, Chris. That's awful."
Quote: During an appearance on The Tonight Show...Christie (said)...
"Stay tuned on Sept. 16th...We may be changing tactics. You know, if I get to like 15 questions in a row (where he's not called on) -- count 'em at home -- if I get to 15 in a row , you're going to go 'Uh oh, he's going to go nuclear now.'"
Quote: Sean Hannity asked (Christie): "You love Bruce Springsteen. Does Jon Bon Jovi, who also lives in New Jersey, get mad that you're always talkin' about Springsteen?"

Christie, who had appeared on NBC's "The Tonight Show" the night before, performing a lip sync to Springsteen's classic, "Born in the U.S.A." Christie quickly answered..."No. I'm actually friends with Jon, so..."Bruce, I know; Jon, I'm friends with."

"Bruce is a huge liberal (who) hates my guts," (said) Hannity.

"...I could suspect he might," Christie said..."Listen, he's not all that fond of me, either...I mean, politically, I'm not his cup of tea..."

Fine. However, saying extremist-endearing, national media-generating things is only half of what Duplicating Duh Donald is all about. Here, note how Trump avoids apology, accountability, remorse and regret like the plague:
RTE News: Embattled US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has hit back at critics who say he went too far with caustic comments about a US television news anchor, insisting no apology was necessary and defending his relations with women.

"I've had such an amazing relationship with women in business. They are amazing executives. They are killers. They are phenomenal," Mr Trump said. (He) has repeatedly attacked his fellow candidates, accusing...(a) former governor of wearing glasses to look smarter...(and) calling a "idiot."

He dismissed his critics as beholden to political correctness, a concept he is not encumbered with, and pointed to opinion polls as proof he was "winning big all over the place."
Now let's see how well Christie does it:
Quote: ...After suggesting that the U.S. government should keep tabs on immigrants entering the country the same way FedEx tracks its packages, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie fired back at critics. "I don’t mean people are packages, so let’s not be ridiculous,” Christie said on Fox News Sunday.

"This is once again a situation where the private sector laps us in the government with the use of technology," Christie said. "We should bring in the folks from FedEx to use the technology to be able to do it. There’s nothing wrong with that."
Quote: As Gov. Chris Christie continued to skewer Hillary Clinton on the presidential campaign trail for conducting government business on a private (email) server...a report surfaced...detailing how Christie sent a government-related email from a private account as the George Washington Bridge scandal brewed...(Fox News) host Chris Wallace said...the exchange...was sent from the governor's personal Yahoo! account...

Wallace also noted...that Christie had exchanged 12 text messages with an aide in December 2013 as the New Jersey Legislature investigated the bridge scandal — and that those messages appear to have been deleted.

"The one email you're referring to — and it's the only one they've released — involved a press release," the governor told Wallace. "So, let's all remain calm. My press secretary sent it to my private email account, I'm sure inadvertently, and I responded to it. We cannot compare that, can we, to someone having a private email server...that could be hacked by the Russians, the Chinese, or just a group of 18-year-old(s) who want to have some fun?"

...Christie added that "everything I've done as governor has been an open book, and I've answered every question anybody's ever had to answer. Can you hold Mrs. Clinton to that standard?"
He's not in Trump's class, of course, but not bad at all -- stealth bullying, moral indignation, obfuscation, missed direction plays, and a BIG big lies! He just might be able to Duplicate Duh Donald and push past Rand Paul into tenth place after all...say what?

No, no no -- you BLEW it! You don't deny what's been filmed -- you blame it on the film makers being UNIONIZED!!!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

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Last edited by rocknation; 09-10-2015 at 05:04 AM..
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Old 09-10-2015, 05:12 AM
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Default Crew Christie Airlines: Mayday! Mayday!

Remember Crew Christie Airlines -- "You're the Graft Beneath Our Wings"? It just took a nosedive!

New York Times: Jeff Smisek...(t)he chief executive...of United Airlines... and two senior officials...resigned...amid a federal investigation into whether the airline had traded favors with (David Samson,) the chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

The United States attorney for New Jersey has been investigating whether United, the nation’s third-largest airline, agreed to reinstate money-losing flights to the airport nearest the weekend home of the (Mr.) Samson, in return for improvements the airline wanted at Newark Liberty International Airport, where it is the biggest carrier...Mr. Samson was appointed by Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey in 2010. He stepped down in March 2014...United discontinued the flight to South Carolina within days of Mr. Samson’s resignation from the Port Authority...

United asked (a) law conduct an internal investigation into the airline’s dealings with Mr. Samson and the Port Authority...(L)awyers close to the case predicted that it would lead to the resignation of Mr. Smisek and possibly other executives, in the hope that the airline could avoid prosecution...

The resignations also complicate the fortunes of (Chris) he moves ahead on his presidential bid, by underscoring the accusations of cronyism that have dogged his administration since the bridge scandal broke.
A self-financed internal investigation concluded that the CEO was guilty, so he resigned? What are the odds? And note how none of those guys are insisting that they had no idea what was going on, or that they shouldn't be held accountable for what their underlings were doing. They just left quietly (though with nice severance packages) and promised to cooperate with the authorities. Hint, hint!

Quote: Governor Christie said...he still considers (David Samson) a friend and isn’t sure he did anything wrong. “David (Samson) is a friend and I find all of this hard to believe,” Christie said...(to radio host) Eric Scott..."I don’t see him as much as I used to because he’s retired and moved out of state...We’ve got to be really careful not to jump to conclusions on news reports.”

...Samson is not the only Christie appointee who is the subject of a federal investigation. Bill Baroni, another Christie appointee to the Port Authority, and Bridget Kelly, a former deputy chief of staff to the governor, are facing federal charges for allegedly closing lanes at the George Washington Bridge two years ago today in an act of political retribution.

“Now I know you know nothing about Samson and this United/Continental CEO, but you appointed him and this isn’t the first time one of your appointees has come under legal fire,” (CNN’s Jake) Tapper said. “Should people question your judgment when it comes to your appointees?”

Christie told Tapper he tries to maintain a high standard and that his “entire life has been making sure that the law is enforced.” He said when issues have been brought to his attention..."I’ve acted strongly and decisively and continued to keep myself where I need to be, which is focusing on the work of the people and making sure that the standards I hold myself to are always the highest standards...(B)ut the fact is when you have 60,000 people working for you, there are going to be occasions when someone doesn’t hold up to that standard.”
But it's NOT the tens of thousands working under you who have been "causing" your problems, Governor Soprano: It's the handful who report to you directly. And too bad nobody dared asked why Christie let Samson run the PA while he was also running a law firm that did business with the PA. At least Samson was "ethical" enough not to take a salary from the PA!

P.S. Tapper, you fcking wimp -- I hope that CNN got at least a Christie campaign commercial ad buy out of your butt-kissing!

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Last edited by rocknation; 07-15-2016 at 05:13 PM..
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Old 09-11-2015, 02:08 PM
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Default Remembering 9/11, Christie style

Quote: On (September 9), Gov. Chris Christie took a swipe at Mayor Bill de Blasio for a culture of “lawlessness” in New York City. Police Commissioner Bill Bratton smacked back hard, calling Mr. Christie a “fool” and warning him to “stay within your own neighborhood” and even bringing up Bridgegate. “When he gets Trenton, when he gets Newark, when he gets Camden to be anywhere near as safe as New York City, then he might be able to criticize us," Mr. Bratton added...
For shame, and two days before 9/11, when New York and New Jersey should be united by grief. Way to set a good example for your constituents, guys, and to look presidential, Chris. But why?

This (story) is the product of interviews with two people who were present...(The) bad blood...dates back four years...(to) the 10th anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center...

On September 10, 2011...the Christie family drove...(to) the Intercontinental Hotel in (New York City), because coming into the city the next morning with all the security around the Ground Zero ceremony would certainly be a hassle. The dignitaries...always have to gather early so that everyone is in place for the 8:46 a.m. commemoration...President Obama and (former) President Bush were to join (New York) Gov. Cuomo, Gov. Christie and (New York City's mayor) in laying a wreath...So around 7 a.m., the Christie family loaded into the detail’s SUV...The route had been thoroughly rehearsed by Mr. Christie’s advance team, in conjunction with the state police and Secret Service...

David Samson, Bill Baroni, David Wildstein and Port Authority Superintendent of Public Safety Michael A. Fedorko were among a large group of PA brass as well as two NJ state troopers and a contingent of Port Authority police officers who were standing at the gate on West Street at the corner of Vesey waiting for the governor’s car to arrive.

All of a sudden...a New York City police officer...stopped the motorcade in the street and said, “You can’t go here. You can’t come in.” The NJ state trooper...showed his identification and told the officer...“This is Gov. Christie and his family in the SUV.” The officer...said he had his instructions from New York City police about who had been cleared by the Secret Service and he won’t budge. Then the Port Authority police guy got out of his car, which elevates the situation from a police-to-police courtesy, since Port Authority police have police power in the entire State of New York. He explained to the officer that the governor needed to be driven through but this cop won’t budge. The PAPD guy said, “Why don’t you call a supervisor?” The cop replied, “I don’t have to. I’ve been told no.”

According to two people, the entire delegation witnessing the scene had the feeling from the officer’s tone that he had been specifically told not to let Gov. Christie in. As the argument intensified...Gov. Christie exited the car...and began screaming at the cop...“I’ll walk the rest of the way!” He took a few steps, then turned back and said, clear as a bell, (to) "tell (the New York City Police Commissioner) to go f*ck himself."
The NYC cop didn't recognize either Christie or a uniformed New Jersey state trooper, blew off a Port Authority official and refused to double-check with his chain of command? And to think that the very reason why Christie was there was to remember a day that forced the entire nation to be more diligent about coordinating its security measures.

I hope that cop got the boot, the sack, AND the bum's rush. And I would say that Christie and his party still have every right to be angry at New York City's police commissioner and mayor, except...except that in 2011, New York City's police commissioner and mayor were Ray Kelly and Mike Bloomberg, NOT Bill Bratton and Bill DiBlasio...

He can't even hold a grudge right.

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Last edited by rocknation; 10-02-2015 at 01:27 PM..
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Old 10-01-2015, 05:47 PM
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Well, Christie was certainly in New York City this past September 11 -- in fact, he overstayed his welcome a little:

New York Daily News: New Jersey Gov. Chris being blamed for another traffic jam...caus(ing) a block-long backup outside Ground Zero just before Friday morning’s 9/11 anniversary ceremony when he wouldn’t get out of his black SUV because he was on the phone...

As a result, Christie’s car was left idling in a strategic staging area, turning a carefully planned dignitary rollout into a 20-minute backup that left some VIPs and two busloads of family members of NYPD 9/11 victims in the lurch...Fed up, some family members, including a few elderly participants, got off their buses down the block and walked to the staging area.

Christie’s...Spokesman Kevin Roberts...called the allegations “just not true...He spent about five minutes in the car finishing a phone call before we moved on into the memorial...Everyone arrived on time and the program started on time.”
Well, what's a fifteen-minute discrepency between friends, especially when you're in a security-sensitive area on a day memorializing those who died due to a failure of security sensitivity?

NJTV Online: New Jersey is still waiting for its payoff after privatizing the state’s lottery system. According to documents obtained by the Associated Press, the deal is not bringing in the expected revenues and there’s a $136 million shortfall...

The state’s largest public worker’s union tried to block the deal. The 2013 contract with the private company Northstar, promised to generate about a $1.5 billion in income over the next 15 years. But so far, it’s been missing the target...

Northstar contributed to the Republican Governor’s Association while Gov. Chris Christie was leading it, then hired both the law firm of his political ally, former Port Authority chairman David Samson and the communications firm of Christie’s campaign strategist...

Prior to Northstar, New Jersey kept 34 cents for every dollar in ticket sales. Now, because expenses are higher under the private company, the state keeps just 30 cents of every dollar...Under the contract New Jersey could fire Northstar if they don’t hit their revenue mark for two consecutive years...
Well, what's an $136 million discrepency between friends, especially if it doesn't include administration fees to Northstar that could have stayed in the state coffers? There are more important matters to attend to -- like trying to convince people that you should be president of the United States because you're security-sensitive and fiscally responsible!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

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Last edited by rocknation; 10-27-2015 at 07:03 PM..
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