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Old 02-17-2015, 06:30 AM
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During Jerry Jones-Gate, the Christie camp claimed that it was a partisan attack launched by a PAC supporting Hillary Clinton:
Lehigh Valley Live: “Is anyone surprised pro-Hilary PACs like American Bridge and partisan organizations like the DNC are using the Governor’s support of a football team for a political hit?” Maria Comella, Christie’s spokeswoman, said.
In case you don't know, Hillary Clinton is a former and current Democratic candidate for United States president, a former U.S. senator, a former secretary of state (America's top-ranking diplomat), and wife of former U.S. president Bill Clinton. And in case you don't know, I guess I'd better supply an explanation of what a PAC is, too:
Quote: A political (action) committee (is one) organized for the purpose of raising and spending money to elect and defeat candidates. Most PACs represent business, labor or ideological interests. PACs can give $5,000 to a candidate committee per election (primary, general or special). They can also give up to $15,000 annually to any national party committee, and $5,000 annually to any other PAC. PACs may receive up to $5,000 from any one individual, PAC or party committee per calendar year...Many politicians also form Leadership PACs as a way of raising money to help fund other candidates' campaigns.

A PAC must register with the Federal Election Commission within 10 days of its formation, providing name and address for the PAC, its treasurer and any connected organizations. Affiliated PACs are treated as one donor for the purpose of contribution limits.
Quote: ...(T)he emergence of Super PACs has the potential to fundamentally alter the landscape of money in politics...That's because as of July 22, 2010, the FEC green-lighted Super PACs, all but eliminating the previous financial donation limitations...(I)ndividuals, corporations and unions can now contribute unlimited cash to Super PACs, which essentially means there is no ceiling to how much money is injected into elections.

The main prohibition placed on Super that they cannot coordinate directly with the campaign staff of individual candidates...Super PACs can't contribute directly to candidates the way PACs do. The money Super PACs raise can only be used for such things as creating TV or radio ads supporting or excoriating particular candidates.

Well, Christie has officially launched his own PAC, which I'm sure he's all set to operate on a higher ethical plane than the Democrats:
USA Today: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his allies have...tak(en) the first concrete step toward launching a presidential bid and joining the battle for the Republican Party's top donors. The(ir) PAC, called Leadership Matters For America, will allow Christie to build a political team and start to collect money ahead of a 2016 bid...Christie reportedly has lined up several key Republicans to take on fundraising duties, including...Phil Cox, the outgoing executive director of the Republican Governors Association...
And it looks like the first Christie super PAC is off the ground, too:
Daily Record: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's supporters are getting ready to launch a super PAC that could raise and spend unlimited sums of money as he moves toward a formal campaign for president in 2016...That would put Christie on the same footing as many of his likely challengers for the Republican nomination as he continues to mull a run for president. The move would allow Christie to begin raising far greater sums than he is allowed to collect through his political action committee, Leadership Matters for America, which launched last month...Phil Cox, the former executive director of the Republican Governors Association who is working for Christie's political action committee, is likely to play a role...
Mr. Cox is going to fundraise for a PAC while working with a SuperPAC? I guess that's okay as long he doesn't tell Christie how much either one has raised -- or if he takes inspiration from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and attends the meetings in a coma. So much for operating on a higher ethical plane: that was a VERY short flight!!!

P.S. The Web address for Christie's PAC is LeadershipMattersForAmerica.Org -- LMAFO for short!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 06-27-2015 at 08:11 PM..
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