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Old 07-19-2018, 05:00 AM
JackieBlue JackieBlue is offline
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I'm sure it's not easy under any circumstances; but, y'know, most families have issues of one kind or another. I can think of worse, albeit it more socially acceptable (or better hidden) things. Still, it has to be difficult to see them in and out of rehabs and hospitals, and now adding in the legal problems. Especially when it all plays out in the tabloids.

On the other hand, if reports are true, when their marriage went south, both Richie and Heather intentionally put Ava first, and put aside or worked through their own differences so they could both be there for her. That's more than a lot of parents do in situations like that. She seems to know that she's loved; and she apparently wasn't turned into a pawn or the rope in parental tug of war.

As for turning to alcohol or drugs herself, one would think that witnessing the negatives associated with substance abuse might be a deterrent in itself. But who knows. Even having a model home life is no guarantee against poor choices.
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