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Short clarification and then you - thank god - are rid of me

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Old 08-30-2019, 06:45 PM
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Default Short clarification and then you - thank god - are rid of me

I get accused by people to twist things so that Jon would fit my box. I already said I was probably wrong about the lyrics of I Want To be Loved

But the way people like Supersonic start a shitstorm and twist my words here is insulting. Not just in my case but with other people too

To make a few things clear:

I did never say I can diagnose someone with Narcissistic personality disorder. Narcissism is a spectrum, we are all somewhere in it and for me many things Jon did raise red flags for me. And I do stand by my claim that Jon is grandiose and seems to need constant validation.
I probably came across as 'oh look I am smart I know it all' I would not be able diagnose someone because I am not a clinical psychologist. I am actually someone who is rather looking for the truth than wanting to be right.

Nobody needs to agree with me but if someone insults me I think he is a prick. (by the way I have never experienced this amount of boarderline insults on the internet, the way some people are doing it here)

But personally I do trust my gut and it is usually right.

I said I did finish my degree where psychology was part of it and all of a sudden people come up saying: I said I can diagnose people because I took some classes in psychology. That is exactly what I got accused of here: Twisting words to fit an image.
I do except other people's opinions and even if I thnk they are stupid, I still know that maybe I am too stupid to get them (in some cases)

I always liked this forum because there were cool people here like Mo, Deb, bonjovi90, Captain Jovi and so on but I do have a big problem with arrogant people who are constantly trying to start a pissing contest and feel the need to prove they are right and everyone who posts something they think is stupid has to be stupid because they are right.

So bye! For most of the people I hope Jovi will put out a killer album which will surprise us all!!!

Last edited by faith1985; 08-30-2019 at 06:49 PM..
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Old 08-31-2019, 09:59 AM
thesedays2014 thesedays2014 is offline
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Forget all the bullshit: we’re here talk, read and debate Bon Jovi. If you debate with people like Supersonic, you know what you’re letting yourself in for. But it’s just a game and everyone has their own ‘persona’.

Don’t take these things too seriously, there ain’t nobody left but us these days.

Keep the faith
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Old 08-31-2019, 11:17 AM
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Originally Posted by thesedays2014 View Post
Forget all the bullshit: we’re here talk, read and debate Bon Jovi. If you debate with people like Supersonic, you know what you’re letting yourself in for. But it’s just a game and everyone has their own ‘persona’.

Don’t take these things too seriously, there ain’t nobody left but us these days.

Keep the faith
Yes, I do take personal insults too seriously and when it is semi-tolerated to call someone a 'stupid c*nt' (not talking about me here) that is not a message board I want to be on. It is ok, I am not crying over it but I do think (even if it is a game and then it is not funny) a certain amount of respect towards each other should be there. I know that Supersonic loves to be the prick and the 'I know it all' guy but he also has got people backing him up even when he is being arrogant towards people. I took it with humor but at this point went too far for me

Life can be annoying enough on its own so I do not need this kind of crap bombing in my spare time.

But sure: Keep The Faith is always a good way to start

Last edited by faith1985; 08-31-2019 at 11:20 AM..
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Old 08-31-2019, 01:41 PM
thesedays2014 thesedays2014 is offline
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I suppose you can call it ‘freedom of speech’.

Also, as we don’t see each other’s faces, we don’t really know what is being said. Of course Supersonic has his’s basically their board and he’s their God.

It doesn’t bother me. I rarely comment, but find the board interesting. If it bothers you, then yep, leave it.

Good luck
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Old 08-31-2019, 02:09 PM
Eveline Eveline is offline
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I can't say everybody is treated equally here, though. If X and Y make silly jokes, they are repeatedly called out and/or banned and I understand it. Derailing threads with pages and pages of stuff you could do in private can annoy the hell out of you BUT when this or that person is openly rude to another person, uses lg that's hurtful and personally attacks them, then some follow suit AND nothing's done bc 'X is like that, deal with that', heck, it's no wonder people don't want to get involved in discussions.

If 'freedom of speech' was indeed the case, you could come up with whatever you think is fitting the topic, much as disliked the idea could be, AND expect a civil discussion with those arguments being backed up or rejected but without putting up with being called an idiot, mental, c*nt or other stfu terms. It's sick and disgusting and tbh, I wouldn't want to meet those people in person, seriously. Just imagine having a convo over a beer and constantly being bashed because they know better. So much f*ckin' fun
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Old 08-31-2019, 02:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Eveline View Post
I can't say everybody is treated equally here, though. If X and Y make silly jokes, they are repeatedly called out and/or banned and I understand it. Derailing threads with pages and pages of stuff you could do in private can annoy the hell out of you BUT when this or that person is openly rude to another person, uses lg that's hurtful and personally attacks them, then some follow suit AND nothing's done bc 'X is like that, deal with that', heck, it's no wonder people don't want to get involved in discussions.

If 'freedom of speech' was indeed the case, you could come up with whatever you think is fitting the topic, much as disliked the idea could be, AND expect a civil discussion with those arguments being backed up or rejected but without putting up with being called an idiot, mental, c*nt or other stfu terms. It's sick and disgusting and tbh, I wouldn't want to meet those people in person, seriously. Just imagine having a convo over a beer and constantly being bashed because they know better. So much f*ckin' fun
And I absoulutely get it. I did spam the Thread quite a bit and CaptainJovi reminded me that some of my remarks were way off and I do agree with it. And that is how you should be able to communicate as a grown-up.

I don't really care if people attack me verbally or try to show off as long as I can stay away from it. Usually people with a healthy self-esteem do not feel the need to constantly tell other people they are stupid.

Anyway, talk to you in private messages, Eveline!
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Old 08-31-2019, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by thesedays2014 View Post
I suppose you can call it ‘freedom of speech’.

Also, as we don’t see each other’s faces, we don’t really know what is being said. Of course Supersonic has his’s basically their board and he’s their God.

It doesn’t bother me. I rarely comment, but find the board interesting. If it bothers you, then yep, leave it.

Good luck
Freedom of Speech is one thing but if you are only degrade others it moves to something else.
It is the same when racist people say: i do have my right to say what I think' yes you do, but if you degrade people especially due to where they come from might have to face consequences.
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Old 08-31-2019, 02:29 PM
thesedays2014 thesedays2014 is offline
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Originally Posted by faith1985 View Post
Freedom of Speech is one thing but if you are only degrade others it moves to something else.
It is the same when racist people say: i do have my right to say what I think' yes you do, but if you degrade people especially due to where they come from might have to face consequences.
Totally get where you’re coming from, but at the end of the day it’s the ‘you’ inside that has to decide to not take offence.

Forums will be forums, facebook will be facebook,... x

There’s a great saying in Spanish (can’t think of the English equivalent): A palabras necias, oídos sordos (For hurtful words, deaf ears)
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Old 08-31-2019, 02:56 PM
Eveline Eveline is offline
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Originally Posted by thesedays2014 View Post
Totally get where you’re coming from, but at the end of the day it’s the ‘you’ inside that has to decide to not take offence.

Forums will be forums, facebook will be facebook,... x

There’s a great saying in Spanish (can’t think of the English equivalent): A palabras necias, oídos sordos (For hurtful words, deaf ears)
You must be kidding me. People commit suicides bc some f*ckers bully them online and you think it's not a big deal. Those words hurt for real, virtual reality or not. I've read another quote one day. 'In a world you could be anything, be kind.' Hell, you can save or kill with that little you do sometimes. I can't imagine being a pr*ck to anybody just because I have a bad day. And I can't understand folks who tell you to suck it up. You can argue with things as much as you want, but be aware that educating others doesn't mean beating them. Show them why they're wrong if you think so. Kindly. Be a teacher, not a pr*ck. It takes a lot of self-confidence to see that hateful speech, give the author a mental middle finger and go on. Not giving a sh*t is a skill that takes time to master.
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Old 08-31-2019, 03:30 PM
thesedays2014 thesedays2014 is offline
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Originally Posted by Eveline View Post
You must be kidding me. People commit suicides bc some f*ckers bully them online and you think it's not a big deal. Those words hurt for real, virtual reality or not. I've read another quote one day. 'In a world you could be anything, be kind.' Hell, you can save or kill with that little you do sometimes. I can't imagine being a pr*ck to anybody just because I have a bad day. And I can't understand folks who tell you to suck it up. You can argue with things as much as you want, but be aware that educating others doesn't mean beating them. Show them why they're wrong if you think so. Kindly. Be a teacher, not a pr*ck. It takes a lot of self-confidence to see that hateful speech, give the author a mental middle finger and go on. Not giving a sh*t is a skill that takes time to master.
Totally agree with you re bullying and suicide and I’m not saying it’s not a big deal. Unfortunately, I have had a family member who is no longer with us due to that.

However, your last sentence is the best and most important saying and not giving a shit is what we all must strive for.

Personally, I don’t mind being called a cunt and at the same time I’m not going to call anybody a prick...what’s the point...palabras necias, oídos sordos.
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