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Old 08-31-2019, 02:56 PM
Eveline Eveline is offline
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Originally Posted by thesedays2014 View Post
Totally get where you’re coming from, but at the end of the day it’s the ‘you’ inside that has to decide to not take offence.

Forums will be forums, facebook will be facebook,... x

There’s a great saying in Spanish (can’t think of the English equivalent): A palabras necias, oídos sordos (For hurtful words, deaf ears)
You must be kidding me. People commit suicides bc some f*ckers bully them online and you think it's not a big deal. Those words hurt for real, virtual reality or not. I've read another quote one day. 'In a world you could be anything, be kind.' Hell, you can save or kill with that little you do sometimes. I can't imagine being a pr*ck to anybody just because I have a bad day. And I can't understand folks who tell you to suck it up. You can argue with things as much as you want, but be aware that educating others doesn't mean beating them. Show them why they're wrong if you think so. Kindly. Be a teacher, not a pr*ck. It takes a lot of self-confidence to see that hateful speech, give the author a mental middle finger and go on. Not giving a sh*t is a skill that takes time to master.
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