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The Artist Formely Known As Prince's Estate's Vulture Circling Report

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Old 05-03-2016, 02:36 AM
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Default The Artist Formely Known As Prince's Estate Vulture Circling Report

Barely two weeks since he was laid to rest, Prince's sister Tyka Nelson insisted that the courts declare that he did not leave a will. She's fighting for most if not all of the estate, apparently on the grounds that she was Prince's only full sibling, that is, they're the only ones in the family who had both parents in common. Oh, so being a half sibling is a felony? I couldn't even dream of discriminating against my nieces and nephews that way -- but then again, I learned from the best.

When my oldest nephew's paternal grandmother or her sister invited him over for the weekend, they also invited his half-sister. They both got Christmas and birthday presents from them; they both got baskets at Easter. And when the grandmother died, they both inherited a savings bond! Wicked stepparents SHOULD be the stuff that only fairy tales are made of.

Well, nyah nyah nyah Tkya: Minnesota state law dictates that in the absence of a will, Prince's estate, estimated at $300M US, must be divided equally among all six of his surviving siblings -- half or whole! (Two other siblings are deceased, but left no spouses or children.) You could have waited a couple months for the estate to be fully executed to ensure there wasn't a will: if one turned up that didn't favor you, you would have been able to challenge it. But nooooo...

And now, enter Rodney Herachio Dixon Mercury.
Mashable: ...Dixon's "declaration, petition and demand for notice" claims that he and Prince had an "implied agreement" sometime in the mid-'90s whereby the artist owed the Murietta, California resident $1 billion...

Dixon -- who is representing himself in this matter, of course...went by the names Aeric Alexander Mercury and Rameses America Mercury when he allegedly pursued (two) 1990s lawsuits...(He) believes that because he once allegedly served Prince with legal papers that went into default because they were never acknowledged, he's now entitled to the singer's untold riches...
San Bernadino Sun (6/8/95): ...Rameses America Mercury...claim(ed) that he and (Prince) entered into an oral agreement 12 years ago...that called for Mercury to help (Prince) with his career. In exchange, Mercury said he was to get either $1 million at the end of three years or one 1 billion at the end of 12 years...

(The) judge...continued the give Mercury time to show that he had properly served Prince with a court summons...
Sounds like Mr. Mercury is confusing going into default with receiving a default judgement. Had the court ruled that a default judgement was due Mr. Mercury due to Prince's non-acknowledgement, it wouldn't have taken them 21 years to let Mr. Mercury know unless they're having major backlog problems. And if the case went into default, it's most likely because "implied" and "oral" agreements aren't worth the paper they're written on. Exit Rodney Herachio Dixon Mercury.

This just in -- more bad news for Tyka:
TMZ: ...Lawyers for Darcell Johnston filed legal docs in Prince's probate case...claiming to be a long-lost half sister -- same mother, but different father from the singer. We're told some members of Prince's family only learned of Darcell's existence a few days ago...Bremer Trust bank will look into the legitimacy of Darcell's claim, although the court will have final say.
Poor Tyka, if you'll pardon the expression -- she may be forced to try to live out her days on a paltry one seventh of 300 million dollars. Though I'm willing to bet that an alleged child of one of Prince's dead siblings will soon make an appearance!

I guess it goes without saying that a dignified end to Prince's life is not to be...

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

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Old 05-08-2016, 05:30 PM
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Originally Posted by rocknation View Post
I'm willing to bet that an alleged child of one of Prince's dead siblings will soon make an appearance!
Earlier today, a judge authorized DNA testing of Prince's blood...

(T)he special administrator of the singer's estate have Prince's blood genetically analyzed... (T)he testing will be "for any purpose relevant to the administration of the Estate." For example, if a potential heir comes forward, it will be possible to determine a blood relation.

Good news -- that should keep any additional bloodsuckers out of the mix!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

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Old 05-08-2016, 08:14 PM
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I suspect this is going to be a long process. There will be the inevitable vultures as you state with this amount of money on the line. Those that are legitimate heirs are also in for a probable difficult time. How and who will place a value on some items, collectors pieces that may have one value plus his name increasing that value? The $200 jacket is now $5K. The song catalog, all the recorded and unreleased material. Songs he may never have wanted released but because he had no will, may be part of a Direct TV commercial next. (Couldn't resist)

The biggest winner will be the government with estate tax at almost 40% for amounts over 5.6M, which he will easily exceed. Then all the attorneys to debate out who gets what at "equal" value. No one is exempt - write a will! I still 1/2 expect one to suddenly appear since he seemed to want such control over his music, how could he leave his life open to this? I hope there is a very knowledgeable and through probate judge in place.
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Old 05-10-2016, 01:53 AM
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I'm just shocked at how (at the age of 57) he never thought of creating a will.......
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Old 05-10-2016, 02:48 AM
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It certainly should have been at the top of his list, especially after getting his catalog rights back two years ago. But I guess he just kept telling himself that he'd "get around to it..."

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

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Old 05-10-2016, 09:49 PM
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Originally Posted by mo_rizwan View Post
I'm just shocked at how (at the age of 57) he never thought of creating a will.......
Probably had his reasons, he may even have done so informally..and now it's been "vanished"
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Old 05-11-2016, 12:17 AM
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Originally Posted by rocknation View Post
I'm willing to bet that an alleged child of one of Prince's dead siblings will soon make an appearance!
Well, I sure feel like a fool -- here's an alleged child of Prince himself!
TMZ: Carlin Q. Williams...39, (has) filed legal docs claiming his mom met Prince in the lobby of the Crown Center Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri back in July 1976. She says in an affidavit she drank wine with the singer, checked into a room and had unprotected sex.

According to Carlin's mom, Marsha Henson, she didn't have sex with anyone 6 weeks before and didn't have sex with anyone during her entire pregnancy. Carlin -- who is currently in federal prison for gun possession -- now wants an order testing Prince's DNA samples against his to unlock the mystery...
Prince would have been eighteen and freshly signed to a record label when Carlin happened. Are we to believe his mother quietly watched Prince "live well and prosper" over 39 YEARS? And unless she's deceased, shouldn't SHE be the one filing this claim? If things don't work out, Carlin, there's always Bill Cosby!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

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Last edited by rocknation; 07-28-2016 at 03:26 AM..
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Old 05-11-2016, 01:56 AM
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Quote: The use of...less addictive opiates can reduce...withdrawal symptoms. Buprenophine...can be used for codeine detoxification...
TMZ: Prince's people called Dr. Howard Marin County, California...the day before the singer died, saying they believed he was on the verge of dying from drugs...(T)he doctor said it would be 2 days before he could get there...(He) sent his son, Andrew, who worked at their facility...Andrew...was at Prince's home the day he died...(and) called 911 after the staff found Prince unconscious...

Andrew did not supply Prince with any drugs, although he did have synthetic opiates in his backpack. The drug is called buprenorphine...for pain management and to wean people off actual opiates...
Better put first dibs on the bottom prison bunk, Dr. Kornfeld -- it sounds like you're due for a cellmate!
Quote: Dr. Michael Todd Schulenberg, a family North Memorial Medical Center('s) Minnetonka clinic...had given a statement (that)...he had treated Prince on April 7 and April 20. He said he arrived at Paisley Park to deliver test results the morning Prince’s body was found (April 21)...

Schulenberg could not be reached for comment... a spokeswoman (said) the doctor no longer works with the health system (and) declined to provide employment dates or describe why Schulenberg’s work with the health system ended...
A doctor hand-delivering test results -- that's what I call a bedside manner!
The warrant also reveals that Kirk Anthony Johnson — a close associate of Prince who manages Paisley Park — was present when detectives arrived to investigate the death scene...Johnson left town after Prince’s body was found, reportedly on a pre-scheduled vacation...(He) declined to comment...(as did) his attorney...
The people I feel sorriest for are the Illumi-Nutties and other conspiracy theorists. If this turns out to be nothing more than an opiate addiction with side orders of doctor shopping and enabling by friends and family, they're going to be so heartbroken!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

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Last edited by rocknation; 07-28-2016 at 03:28 AM..
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Old 05-12-2016, 03:36 PM
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Default The Latest Nuts To Fall From The Prince Estate Family Tree

My prediction of a child of one of Prince's dead siblings appearing has been thwarted yet again!

TMZ: Prince's fortune is about to be spread even thinner...according to a lawyer for Prince's deceased half-brother...

Duane Nelson, Sr...who was Prince's bodyguard for a while...died in 2011, and his son -- who died in 2005 -- had a daughter who is now 11 years old...

Duane was omitted from the list of siblings when Tyka Nelson began probate proceedings. We're told some family members don't buy he was a blood relative...
If he's deceased, it's a moot issue anyway, and even more so if the child's father died before the grandfather and they both died before Prince. I don't see how she can inherit under the current terms of there not being a will.

New York Daily News: Kimberly Felecia Potts, 52, claims she's owed...$500,000... because she "created" Prince's 2004 album Musicology, and Prince promised to "reward" her...Potts said...(in) her handwritten filing...(that) she communicated with (Prince) through his online NPG Music Club and Twitter chats...

Police records show Potts was picked up at Paisley Park the night of Jan. 15...Prince's people called 911, and Potts claimed...that (Prince) had offered her a job helping him sell CDs...(She) was transported to a nearby hospital for a mental health evaluation...
At least she's not just another greedy moocher demanding to be handed a handout -- she worked for Prince's money!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

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Old 05-25-2016, 07:51 PM
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Not all of Prince's vultures are financial.
HuffingtonPost: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through Madonna’s much-hyped performance honoring Prince at the Billboard Music Awards...Prior to the show...a...petition...(was) stop the “Material Girl” from performing...

Many were unhappy with the singer’s tribute...which featured Stevie Wonder and a lot of purple...Questlove, who introduced the duo’s performance, later took to Twitter to defend Madonna’s tribute.
That was very loyal of Questlove. But since he introduced the tribute and was no doubt compensated by Billboard in exchange, it was not very objective of Questlove.

Madonna didn’t seem too bothered, sharing a series of photos after the awards show...“Anyone who wants to do a tribute to Prince is welcome to,” (she) wrote on her social media accounts...most likely after seeing the criticism of her performance. “Whatever your age gender or skin color. If you loved him and he inspired you then show it..."
Nice try, but neither age, gender, nor skin color affected her performance: her trademark vocal sub-mediocrity (and the possible relocation of her cheekbones) did.

I really did like her outfit -- but then again, outfits ARE her specialty. The problem is that her opening the tribute from a purple throne and using a cane she didn't need came across as self-aggrandizing; her attempting to top Sinead O'Connor's cover of Nothing Compares 2 U came across as self-destructive; and her closing the tribute by bringing out Stevie Wonder came across as racially patronizing.

One thing for which I genuinely admire Jon is his not admiring Madonna. When she tried to introduce vouging, he advised that people are more interested in her brandishing her booty than her arms. She DIDN'T get where she is by standing relatively still and singing relatively well while fully clothed: her being a visual rather than artistic contemporary of Prince is what generated the fan protest, and sure enough, she justified it.

Twitter attacked Madonna for her lackluster showing, and Black Entertainment Television made sure people knew its tribute to the Purple Rain singer would be much better...
BET punked out and deleted the tweet, but not in time. Does this mean we're on the verge of a musical race war? Hardly -- Black Entertainment Television hasn't been BLACK Entertainment Television since its owner sold it to the very white Viacom media conglomerate in 2001. But controversy sells, especially controversies involving the corpses of the rich and famous...


Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 09-30-2022 at 07:19 PM..
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