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Old 06-10-2004, 12:33 AM
Jim Bon Jovi Jim Bon Jovi is offline
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I dunno if it's sampled or not but you've got to remember that using samples tastefully or to the extent where they make a song is an art unto itself.

Pour example' The Farms rereleased altogether now using Pachelle belles canon (personally one of the mosty beautiful pieces ofmusic every written in my opinion) and it works absoluterly brilliantly whereas if they'd stuck some other great pieces of classical music in, it wouldn't have worked.
the dude abides
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Old 06-10-2004, 12:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Jim Bon Jovi
I dunno if it's sampled or not but you've got to remember that using samples tastefully or to the extent where they make a song is an art unto itself.

Pour example' The Farms rereleased altogether now using Pachelle belles canon (personally one of the mosty beautiful pieces ofmusic every written in my opinion) and it works absoluterly brilliantly whereas if they'd stuck some other great pieces of classical music in, it wouldn't have worked.
True point taken, but well at the end of the day it still just a boy talking over some music wouldnt you agree?
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Old 06-10-2004, 12:53 AM
Jim Bon Jovi Jim Bon Jovi is offline
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That's exactly what he's doing but it's what he's saying that's the important thing.

I doubt the song would be as good if he was reading off a bus tmetable.

and lets face it, singings really just talking with a melody.
the dude abides
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Old 06-10-2004, 01:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Jim Bon Jovi
That's exactly what he's doing but it's what he's saying that's the important thing.

I doubt the song would be as good if he was reading off a bus tmetable.

and lets face it, singings really just talking with a melody.
Yes Ok Singing is talking with a melody, but it takes talent to do it right , were as just to talk over a piece of music anyone can do even me! and i have no talent when it comes to singing believe me
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Old 06-10-2004, 01:06 AM
Jim Bon Jovi Jim Bon Jovi is offline
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It takes alot less talent to play like a rolling stone or knockign on heavens door by dylan than dry county or keep the faith on guitar but you can't say Bob Dylan isn't a guitar player.
the dude abides
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Old 06-10-2004, 01:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Jim Bon Jovi
It takes alot less talent to play like a rolling stone or knockign on heavens door by dylan than dry county or keep the faith on guitar but you can't say Bob Dylan isn't a guitar player.
So where are you going with that then?
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Old 06-10-2004, 01:51 AM
Jim Bon Jovi Jim Bon Jovi is offline
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I'm just pointing out that just cause he isn't singing in the Sydney opera house doesn't mean he's not making real music.
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Old 06-10-2004, 10:53 AM
Neurotica80 Neurotica80 is offline
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Saw the video for it yesterday and I agree with Jim. Its an orginal "heartbreak" song and the lyrics are really good too. Id rather hear stuff like this than rehashed cover versions. I think this is part of a new breed of love songs like Eamons Dont want you back, except this is miles better.
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Old 06-10-2004, 02:02 PM
Jim Bon Jovi Jim Bon Jovi is offline
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don't want you back is so contrived and you get a feeling it never actually happened whilst with the streets you can really see that happening to him.

If it didn't then that makes the song even better.
the dude abides
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