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Old 08-27-2002, 05:00 AM
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Default Counting Crows

I've just discovered 'em and I'm really in it right now !
They sound really great and the singer's voice is tight !!!
I know they're famous in the USA but never heard of 'em in France
Y'all should check 'em out, especially 'omaha' that I really like !
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Old 08-27-2002, 12:14 PM
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Yes, Tixy Jovi!!! The Counting Crows are really cool!!!!!! They make very good music!!! I don't know every songs of them but almost everyone!!
I think their best CDs are, of course, "August and everything after" and then "This desert life".

My favourite song is "ROUND HERE". Oh...... I could listen to it all day long! *step out the front door lika a ghost into the.......* sing sing sing

But I also think "Color blind" is very great!!!!

And many many other songs are super!!!!
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Old 09-04-2002, 01:23 AM
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Finally someone likes Counting Crows here.
If I had to pick one I'd pick them as my second favourite band.
A friend of mine used to play & sing Mr Jones and I kinda liked it and then he dragged me to a concert in Las Vegas at the House of Blues (which is really cool by the way). The first song they played was Mr Jones and I was a little pissed off that the only song I knew was already gone and there were only songs to come I didn't know. But I liked every single one and I think that was the day I fell in love with Counting Crows. But when I look back now I don't remember many details because I had the worst hangover in my life and was hardly able to stand straight since I crawled out of bed only 30 minutes before the show started. Anyone knows that white bridge between the New York New York and the Excalibur? I kinda painted it... but that's a different story and I'm not proud of it...
Every time I see Las Vegas on the TV now I get an instant headache.
I saw them again in Berkeley (sober) and I still liked them.
My favourite record - even though it's not a studio album - is Across A Wire (Storytellers). I totally love the "Have you seen me lately" accoustic version.
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