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Old 04-03-2015, 12:58 PM
brighton84 brighton84 is offline
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Originally Posted by danfan View Post
Joe Elliot sounds better now than he did on the Hysteria tour. No idea what he did, but it works. Brett Michaels, while never having had a great voice, still sounds the same. To my knowledge, he also doesn't smoke like Jon, Axl and Paul Stanley, who all sound like crap.

Then you go down a level to the embarrassing voices of David Lee Roth and Vince Neil.
Hit and Miss with Joe's voice. I have seen good and bad nights with regards his voice that includes recent shows.
Paul Stanley doesnt smoke,never has,40+years of screaming have finally taken their toll.As for Jon and Axl they have both lost their chops.

As for David Lee Roth one wonders if he performs like he does to wind up EVH. The latest Jimy Kimmel performance is hard to watch,sure the band sound ok but Roth drags them down a level.
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