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Old 11-03-2006, 01:57 AM
skrcbp skrcbp is offline
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Default Def Leppard


I was wondering if you can help me with a school project concerning Def Leppard. What I'd need is a description in keywords of how you see Def Leppard nowadays in regard to image.

Thanks in advance.
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Old 11-03-2006, 03:41 AM
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That's quite a broad question really, but to be honest, there isn't really alot to go by. Since 2000 they've only release one album or new material, a 2nd best of package and a covers album and only play arenas, whereas Bon Jovi for example have had 3 original new studio albums, an acoustic album and a box set and still sell out stadiums all over the world, so you can judge for yourself how they stand in comparrison of one of their 80's peers. So it's sad to say Leppard aren't exactly going strong.

They're still a great live act and the majority of their music is timeless. They've *promised* a new, heavier studio album sometime next year, which I'm really looking forward to. Right now, all they need is another hit single just to get them back into the public eye. I don't like to say that they're hasbeens as I still feel that they have alot more to offer, it's just a case of them knuckling down and doing so, instead of constantly co-headlining tours.

To be fare though, aside from Bon Jovi, they HAVE outlasted most of the 80's contemporaries and still have a strong fanbase and although they've not had a hit single in over 10 years, they are far from being labelled a nostalgia act or a cult band IMO. It's still OK to like them!

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Old 11-04-2006, 03:37 AM
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Well of course these days they're not as popular as they were in 1987 but they are still regarded as one of the few 80s rock bands (along with Bon Jovi, Motley Crue and Guns N Roses) who have 'outlasted' that era. Although for the life of me I can't understand the hate against 80s music.

One thing about Def Leppard: they don't seem to be fully supported by the record company. I'll be the first to say that X sucked balls, but I have to say that the album didn't get the push it desparately needed.
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Old 11-04-2006, 07:10 AM
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I have a feeling however that the move they made to change management, was a good move on their behalf, and it will help the chances of them having a hit single again.

But they are still seen as a nostalgia act on almost everyones eyes, but I guess that comes with the territory of writig and releasing two of the most popular albums of a decade, and help define it.

One thing I do see in them though, is the fact that they are still a hungry band, you can sense that in their work ethic, they still feel they have something left to prove, which could be both a good thing and a bad thing depending on how you look at it.
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Old 11-12-2006, 03:50 AM
skrcbp skrcbp is offline
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Thanks a lot for all replies. Any more opinions (even if they are similar)?
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Old 11-12-2006, 05:36 PM
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Originally Posted by skrcbp View Post
Thanks a lot for all replies. Any more opinions (even if they are similar)?
what about going to a Def Leppard message board?!
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Old 11-12-2006, 08:01 PM
skrcbp skrcbp is offline
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I'm particularly looking for opinions from non Def Leppard fans.
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Old 11-12-2006, 08:12 PM
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well then not a very good idea because everybody that has replied to this thread is or was a def Leppard fan.
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