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Old 10-17-2013, 11:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Bleeding Purist View Post
That's what I would normally do and was set to do until I found out about the Best Buy Exclusive. I will probably still be ripping the audio for the acoustic set. Apparently it is only on the Japanese CD.

I haven't had this much of a personal Lep resurgence in years! It's been great to rediscover my love for the band. Mirror Ball finally got some heavy rotation these last several weeks.
Is that set you're talking about the acoustic medley they played on tour last year and later released as a studio version digital download? Cause I think I read earlier that it's going to be on the DVD/Blu Ray as well.

I can see why you might be excited about a new Leppard release for the first time in a while, as it's their first new live DVD/Blu Ray in 20 years. They've been long overdue on that one. Plus it's one mean set list!

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Bon Jovi Concerts:
28th June 2003, Hyde Park, London
9th June 2006, St. Mary's Stadium, Southampton.
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